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October 14, 2014

Title: Eat or Heat? Cool Your Home or Medicate?
Topic: Facts about CO2
Discussed by Nancy Gravatt
with National Mining Association (

Part 1 of 2

Have you been forced to make the tough decision between buying groceries for your family or paying your electric bill? Have you been late paying your electric bill because you needed to buy medication for you or your child? According to the Harris Polling Group, 88% of seniors, in particular, are concerned about the EPA’s “Clean Power Plan”. Even 76% of average Americans are worried that their electric bills will skyrocket if the EPA’s plan is approved.

Nancy Gravatt, with the National Mining Association, likes to refer to the EPA’s proposed plan as “Costly Power Plan”. Nancy explains how their recent poll revealed that many Americans say that their day-to-day lives are already been impacted by higher electricity rates. Nancy also discusses how the EPA’s proposed plan will affect your family’s future.

The bureaucrats in DC are just out of touch. They have no idea how the average American family lives. Take Texas, for example. We have made tremendous strides in cleaning the emissions from CO2 plants. If the EPA’s “Costly Power Plan” is approved, many jobs in Texas will be lost.

Listen in as Nancy Gravatt sheds some light on the situation.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Eat or Heat? Cool Your Home or Medicate?
Topic: Facts about CO2
Discussed by Nancy Gravatt
with National Mining Association (

Americans are lucky. Very lucky. We can turn on a light switch and we have light! We go to the fridge and can get out a cold beverage to drink. We can take a hot shower. We can drive to wherever we want (as long as gas prices are affordable). But what if all that went away? Would your kids be happy without the internet or cable TV or their Wii?

The EPA’s proposed “Clean Power Plan” aka “Costly Power Plan” would force families to choose between food and lights or medicine and that Thanksgiving trip to Grandma’s. The new “renewable and reliable” energy regulations the EPA is proposing will be anything but “renewable and reliable”.

Nancy Gravatt explains why wind and solar-powered energy is not reliable. America does need a diverse energy portfolio, but it should be provided with options. Wind and solar are hit-or-miss sources of energy; coal is a constant, inexpensive source.

Also discussed in this segment is the effect coal powered plants have on global temperatures. Is it really as high as the EPA claims?

Listen in and log on to  for more on this issue.

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