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June 27, 2018

Title: Internet Sales Tax: Good or Bad?
Topic: Internet Sales Tax
Discussed by Andrew Moylan
with National Taxpayers Union (

Part 1 of 2

Up until the explosion of shopping in your pajamas and having it delivered to your doorstep, the adage in retail was: Location. Location. Location.

So the question is this: Should you shop with your neighborhood small business, or shop with the big-box store, saving maybe 10% on your total purchase?

Andrew Moylan is the Interstate Commerce Initiative Director with the National Taxpayers Union. Today he will be discussing whether or not a sales tax for online retailers is necessary.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does location really matter for any business?

Does everyone like to save money?

Are big-box stores driving smaller, family-owned stores out of business?

Should far-away warehouses be given a price advantage over local retailers? Is that fair?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Internet Sales Tax: Good or Bad?
Topic: Internet Sales Tax
Discussed by Andrew Moylan
with National Taxpayers Union (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should Internet retail sellers be required to collect sales taxes? Terry and Andrew Moylan disagree on this issue! Listen to find out why and how…

Also, what is the current law concerning internet sales tax?

Are more and more people shopping online compared to when these laws were passed?

Amazon is already collecting sales tax for every taxable purchase made on their website. How is this accomplished? Is it creating a nightmare?

Who is responsible for the audit? This creates an even bigger nightmare! Listen as Andrew explains…

Send Terry your thoughts on this topic! Click here  for more…

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August 18, 2009

Topic: Government Controlled Healthcare
Discussed by Andrew Moylan
with National Taxpayers Union (

Andrew Moylan, the Director of Government Affairs for the National Taxpayers Union, discusses the importance of citizen involvement when it comes to certain issues, such as Health Care Reform. Log on to for more info.

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Topic: Cap and Trade Bill In Congress
Discussed by Andrew Moylan
with National Taxpayers Union (

Did Obama really say the UPS and FedEx are doing great? UPS is in the RED! Is he looking at a different UPS?

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