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April 18, 2011

Title: Monsters Dressed As Human
Topic: Monsters Dressed As Human Beings
Discussed by Kimberly Troup
with Christian Friends of Israeli Communities (

Segment 1 of 2

Adolph Eichmann created, oversaw and was responsible for the “final solution of the Jewish people”. Eichmann fashioned the gas chambers and crematoria and had the Nazis not been defeated, he would have murdered every Jew on earth. This monster dressed as a human being never expressed a single word of regret and when facing the death by hanging, declared his belief in God and his conviction that he had done the right thing. More information can be found at

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Title: Monsters Dressed As Human Beings
Topic: Monsters Dressed As Human Beings
Discussed by Kimberly Troup
with Christian Friends of Israeli Communities (

Segment 2 of 2

The Arab league calls upon the UN to declare a no-fly zone over the Gaza to protect its murdering, jihadist terrorists who fire missiles into Israel and even fired a missile recently, striking a school bus. Another monster dressed as a human being, Ahmadenijad, openly declares his intent to finish the job that Eichmann and his buddies could not complete. David Horowitz, a Jewish Zionist, speaking to a student audience at the University of California was recently confronted by a woman dressed in traditional Muslim attire. Horowitz stated: “The Hamas has vowed never to rest until every Jew is killed.” Horowitz asked the young Muslim student: “For or Against?” She, without hesitation, says, “For.” Is she a monster dressed as a human being? More information can be found at

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January 30, 2009

Topic: Life Choices
Discussed by Kimberly Troup
with Christian Friends of Israeli Communities (

How will the current economic and political crisis effect Christians and Jews around the world? Guest Kimberly Troup, US Director of Christian Friends of Israeli Communities, believes we should show more compassion to others now more than ever. Log onto for more.

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