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May 26, 2010

Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader For over 2 decades, Hank Tate has been helping new homeschool families walk through the process of how to get started in building a successful home school. Join Hank and other experts at the 24th Annual SETHSA Conference at Houston Baptist University on Friday and Saturday June 4 and 5. Log on to to register.

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Title: THE 1-2-3’S OF GETTING STARTED IN HOMESCHOOLING Part 2 of 3 (part 3 is cont below…)
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

What is the law in Texas concerning home schooling? Who needs to be notified? Is there a specific curriculum that must be used? What about sports or other activities? For more answers to your home schooling questions, visit

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Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

If you are not sure your children would enjoy home schooling, do a “test run” during the summer for a few weeks. Sample material can be bought at your local home school supply store or even Wal-Mart. Or, attend the upcoming SETHSA Conference in Houston at HBU on June 4 and 5. Log on to to register.

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June 4, 2009

Title: THE 1, 2, 3’s OF HOMESCHOOLING Part 1 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

What is Educational Support? Hank Tate is a pro at homeschooling. Log on to his great homeschooling support site at Hank will be attending the 23rd Annual Southeast Texas Homeschool Association Conference at Reliant Park on June 5 and 6. Log on to for more info on the Conference.

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Title: THE 1, 2, 3’s OF HOMESCHOOLING Part 2 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

A lot of parents worry that homeschooling their children is not legal. Is it legal in Texas? What are some of the requirements that parents must follow? Hank will be attending the 23rd Annual Southeast Texas Homeschool Association Conference at Reliant Park on June 5 and 6. Log on to for more info on the Conference.

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Title: THE 1, 2, 3’s OF HOMESCHOOLING Part 3 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

Why should a parent homeschool their child/children? Hank will be attending the 23rd Annual Southeast Texas Homeschool Association Conference at Reliant Park on June 5 and 6. Log on to for more info on the Conference.

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Title: THE 1, 2, 3’s OF HOMESCHOOLING Part 4 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

What kind of help can a parent get before and during homeschooling their child/children? Is there help for the student? Hank will be attending the 23rd Annual Southeast Texas Homeschool Association Conference at Reliant Park on June 5 and 6. Log on to for more info on the Conference.

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June 1, 2009

Title: THE 1, 2, 3’s OF HOMESCHOOLING Part 1 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

What is Educational Support? Hank Tate is a pro at homeschooling. Log on to his great homeschooling support site at Hank will be attending the 23rd Annual Southeast Texas Homeschool Association Conference at Reliant Park on June 5 and 6. Log on to for more info on the Conference.

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Title: THE 1, 2, 3’s OF HOMESCHOOLING Part 2 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

A lot of parents worry that homeschooling their children is not legal. Is it legal in Texas? What are some of the requirements that parents must follow? Hank will be attending the 23rd Annual Southeast Texas Homeschool Association Conference at Reliant Park on June 5 and 6. Log on to for more info on the Conference.

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Title: THE 1, 2, 3’s OF HOMESCHOOLING Part 3 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

Why should a parent homeschool their child/children? Hank will be attending the 23rd Annual Southeast Texas Homeschool Association Conference at Reliant Park on June 5 and 6. Log on to for more info on the Conference.

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Title: THE 1, 2, 3’s OF HOMESCHOOLING Part 4 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

What kind of help can a parent get before and during homeschooling their child/children? Is there help for the student? Hank will be attending the 23rd Annual Southeast Texas Homeschool Association Conference at Reliant Park on June 5 and 6. Log on to for more info on the Conference.

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June 7, 2007

Title: What are the Three Requirements to Home School? Part 1 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

Hank Tate and his wife have home schooled for over 24 years. Hank has been teaching parents and grandparents how to home educate for 20 plus years. Hank begins today by explaining the three requirements to home school. Can you qualify? For more log onto

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Title: What subjects must be taught if you home school? Part 2 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

What five subjects must be taught if you home school? How does someone buy all those books and what will it cost and where do I start…so many questions…this segments answers many of them. For more log onto

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Title: Are childred damaged for life if they are home educated? Quite the contrary... Part 3 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

No one is alone when home schooling in the greater Houston area. Support groups meet at most churches of all denominations. Sporting groups abound. Choirs, bands, orchestras clubs meet throughout the area. You can home school … attend the SETHSA conference … log onto their web site at

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Title: Hank Tate discusses the positives of home educating your children. Part 4 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. There is something different about kids who home school. But what is it? Do some research and find out… SETHSA hosts its 21st annual conference the weekend of June 8 & 9… log onto for more

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May 31, 2006

Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

Why Home School? How can I Home School? For all your answers attend the 20th Annual Southeast Texas Home School Association Conference on June 2nd and 3rd at the Reliant Center. For more information, visit

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June 7, 2004

Title: What are the Three Requirements to Home School Part 1 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

Hank Tate and his wife have home schooled for 24 years! One son has now graduated from Houston Baptist University… Hank has taught parents and grandparents how to begin home schooling now for 20 years. In this segment, Hank discusses the three requirements to home school.

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Title: What subjects must home schooled students study? Part 2 of 4
Topic: Homeschooling
Discussed by Hank Tate
with Pro-Family Leader

Five subjects must be taught each year a student home schools. What are they? Hank Tate and his wife removed their oldest son from public school in the first grade and never looked back. Things have changed the past 24 years – mostly for the better. Home schooled students, as a group, out perform public schooled students and they are heavily recruited by major colleges and universities. But how can you learn more…listen in…

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