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March 23, 2006

Topic: Gambling
Discussed by Lanier Swann
with Concerned Women for America (

Does internet gambling pose a danger to families? How addictative is internet gambling? Is it widespread and growing within the teenage population? Since internet gambling is done in the privacy of the home, why should the government make it illegal? What is the Federal Government proposing to do about gambling through legislation? Ms. Lanier Swann, with Concerned Women for America, explains the need to understand the issue and why it is so important to call our Congressmen.

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February 24, 2006

Topic: Partial Birth Abortion
Discussed by Lanier Swann
with Concerned Women for America (

The Director of Government Relations with Concerned Women for America, Ms. Lanier Swann discusses the well documented conclusion: The Unborn Do Feel Pain. In fact, decades ago, animal rights activists in California passed a State Law requiring the use of anesthesia prior to aborting certain animals. Each woman considering an abortion has the right to know the excruciating pain her innocent unborn baby will experience.

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February 7, 2006

Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Lanier Swann
with Concerned Women for America (

The Director of Government Relations with Concerned Women for America, Ms. Lanier Swann discusses the well documented conclusion: The Unborn Really Do Feel Pain. In fact, decades ago, animal rights activists in California passed a State Law requiring the use of anesthesia prior to aborting certain animals. Each woman considering an abortion has the right to know the excruciating pain her innocent unborn baby will experience.

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November 2, 2005

Title: The Unborn Do Feel Pain
Topic: Pro-life
Discussed by Lanier Swann
with Concerned Women for America (

The Director of Government Relations with Concerned Women for America, Ms. Lanier Swann discusses the well documented conclusion: The Unborn Do Feel Pain. In fact, decades ago, animal rights activists in California passed a State Law requiring the use of anesthesia prior to aborting certain animals. Each woman considering an abortion has the right to know the excruciating pain her innocent unborn baby will experience.

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