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February 15, 2024

Title: The High Cost of Running for Office
Topic: Cost of Politics
Discussed by Dr. Dan McMillan
with Save Democracy in America (

Dr. Dan McMillan is the Founder of Save Democracy in America. Today, he discusses the connection between campaign finance and the persistence of elderly candidates.

Click here to order a copy of Dr. McMillan’s book, “How Could this Happen”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do potential costs deter many good people from running for Congress? Dr. McMillan explains how those who are elected to represent and work for the people have become professional fund raisers.

Why does it now cost millions of dollars to run for Congress?

Do other countries around the world place a cap on how much money candidates can spend on a political campaign?

Why are candidates, even elected officials, afraid to speak about hot topic issues, such as the high cost of prescription drugs and illegal immigration?

If money is the milk of politics, how can we break the addiction?

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February 1, 2024

Title: If The Other Side Wins, America is Doomed
Topic: Lying Politicians
Discussed by Dr. Dan McMillan
with Save Democracy in America (

Part 1 of 2

New guest Dr. Dan McMillan was a history professor and a prosecuting attorney. Dr. McMillan now leads Save Democracy in America, a strictly non-partisan campaign for publicly financed elections. Over the last decade, Dr. McMillan’s focus has been researching how money has damaged our political system and how we might fix it.

Click here to order a copy of Dr. McMillan’s book, “How Could this Happen” which outlines the events that led to the Holocaust.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do negative ads really persuade voters?

Is there proof that politicians lie?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - If The Other Side Wins, America is Doomed
Topic: Lying Politicians
Discussed by Dr. Dan McMillan
with Save Democracy in America (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do candidates craft their message to appease their donors?

Why are self-funded candidates often crucified?

Why does Dr. McMillan suggest a public fund for each voter to give/donate to candidates of their choice? Would the message change? Who would control the message? How would this effect new candidates? Would they be at a disadvantage?

What is the mission and purpose of Save Democracy in America?

Click here to subscribe to the Save Democracy in America email list.

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January 26, 2024

Title: January 27th Holocaust Remembrance Day
Topic: Holocaust
Discussed by Dr. Dan McMillan
with Save Democracy in America (

Dr. Dan McMillan was a History Professor and a Prosecuting Attorney. Dr. McMillan now leads Save Democracy in America, a strictly non-partisan campaign for publicly financed elections. Over the last decade, Dr. McMillan’s focus has been researching how money has damaged our political system and how we might fix it.

Today, Dr. McMillan focuses on another topic: The Holocaust and whether or not it can/will happen in America.

Click here to order a copy of Dr. McMillan’s book, “How Could this Happen”, which outlines the events that led to the Holocaust.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was the Holocaust?

Why did it happen?

How could people turn a blind eye?

Did those at the death camps believe that the Jews were inferior and deserved to die?

How did they come to this belief?

Click here to learn how you can help Dan McMillan “Save Democracy in America”.

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January 18, 2024

Title: If The Other Side Wins, America is Doomed
Topic: Lying Politicians
Discussed by Dr. Dan McMillan
with Save Democracy in America (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Dan McMillan was a history professor and a prosecuting attorney. Dr. McMillan now leads Save Democracy in America, a strictly non-partisan campaign for publicly financed elections. Over the last decade, Dr. McMillan’s focus has been researching how money has damaged our political system and how we might fix it.

Click here to order a copy of Dr. McMillan’s book, “How Could this Happen” which outlines the events that led to the Holocaust.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do negative ads really persuade voters?

Is there proof that politicians lie?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - If The Other Side Wins, America is Doomed
Topic: Lying Politicians
Discussed by Dr. Dan McMillan
with Save Democracy in America (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do candidates craft their message to appease their donors?

Why are self-funded candidates often crucified?

Why does Dr. McMillan suggest a public fund for each voter to give/donate to candidates of their choice? Would the message change? Who would control the message? How would this effect new candidates? Would they be at a disadvantage?

What is the mission and purpose of Save Democracy in America?

Click here to subscribe to the Save Democracy in America email list.

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January 10, 2024

Title: If The Other Side Wins, America is Doomed
Topic: Lying Politicians
Discussed by Dr. Dan McMillan
with Save Democracy in America (

Part 1 of 2

New guest Dr. Dan McMillan was a history professor and a prosecuting attorney. Dr. McMillan now leads Save Democracy in America, a strictly non-partisan campaign for publicly financed elections. Over the last decade, Dr. McMillan’s focus has been researching how money has damaged our political system and how we might fix it.

Click here to order a copy of Dr. McMillan’s book, “How Could this Happen” which outlines the events that led to the Holocaust.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do negative ads really persuade voters?

Is there proof that politicians lie?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - If The Other Side Wins, America is Doomed
Topic: Lying Politicians
Discussed by Dr. Dan McMillan
with Save Democracy in America (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do candidates craft their message to appease their donors?

Why are self-funded candidates often crucified?

Why does Dr. McMillan suggest a public fund for each voter to give/donate to candidates of their choice? Would the message change? Who would control the message? How would this effect new candidates? Would they be at a disadvantage?

What is the mission and purpose of Save Democracy in America?

Click here to subscribe to the Save Democracy in America email list.

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