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October 23, 2023

Title: Companies Aligned with BLM Must Respond to Hamas Atrocities
Topic: Blacks Believe Too Many Lies
Discussed by Stefan Padfield
with National Center for Life and Liberty (

For the last several years, representatives from both the Free Enterprise Project and Project 21 black leadership network have warned corporations, as well as the general public, that if they want to support justice, racial equality, and the betterment of black Americans, Black Lives Matter (BLM) was the wrong recipient for their generosity.

Stefan Padfield is an Associate at the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project. Today, he discusses his recent op-ed on the subject.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is BLM deserving of corporate donations? Stefan discusses some of the ideologies of BLM.

Were donations from companies such Amazon, Mastercard, Disney, and Netflix effectively financing the war against law enforcement?

Have donations from corporations to BLM produced positive changes in the lives of black Americans? Stefan explains why he and others believe they have actually made black lives worse.

Did corporations break any laws giving BLM money? Did BLM break any laws by accepting the donations?

The National Center for Public Policy Research purchases stock in various companies so they can attend shareholder meetings to get the inside scoop and ask questions. Do they receive any pushback for doing this?

Is there an estimate of how many dollars corporations have given to BLM?

Has BLM helped black Americans at all over the past few years?

Have corporations that have given money to BLM been vocal with their support of Israel over the Hamas?

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