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September 10, 2024

Title: FACT CHECK TRUE: Texas Abortion Laws Save Women and Babies
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Amy O'Donnell
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Amy O’Donnell is the Communications Director for Texas Alliance for Life. Today, Amy sets the record straight on Texas abortion laws and the lies being spread by the Left – including lies from Kamala Harris!

Click here to read the latest report from Texas Alliance for Life. And don’t forget to share the report on social media and email the information to friends and family. We must arm ourselves with the TRUTH!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Kamala Harris stating falsehoods about doctors in Texas unwilling to perform an abortion to save the life of the mother? Amy O’Donnell explains the Texas law and the data that undeniably refutes Harris’ claim.

Are Texas abortion laws continuing to save unborn babies from abortion while also protecting women's lives in those rare and tragic cases when the mother’s life or health is in danger?

Are lies hard to refute? Amy says: “Not when you have the facts!

Must we forever stand strong on the side protecting life from the moment of conception to natural death? Amy says: “Absolutely. If we don’t, who will?”

Click here to help support Texas Alliance for Life.

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June 6, 2024

Title: Texas Supreme Court: Medical Necessity Exception to Save Women’s Lives
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Amy O'Donnell
with Texas Alliance for Life (

BREAKING NEWS: Texas Supreme Court Upholds Texas Law Protecting Unborn Babies from Elective Abortion.  Emphasizes the Availability of the Medical Necessity Exception to Save Women's Lives or Physical Health

Today, Amy O’Donnell explains this ruling and what it means for the future of babies and mamas in Texas. Amy O’Donnell is the Director of Communications with Texas Alliance for Life.

Click hhere to read the press release from Texas Alliance for Life.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was challenging the pro-life law in Texas? Amy reveals that the main organization is not even from Texas! They are from New York!

Was the ruling from the Texas Supreme Court unanimous?

Does the ruling protect unborn babies from the moment of conception and also allow for necessary medical exceptions? Amy explains the exceptions and the current law in Texas, which are, in fact, Constitutional.

What does the future hold for Texas babies and their mamas? Will the Texas Legislature ever turn the abortion issue over to voters?

Is the abortion industry relentless in their pursuit of killing more babies?

Is the pro-life movement just as passionate to save more babies and their mamas?

Click here  to help support Texas Alliance for Life.

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April 24, 2024

Title: Do Chemical Abortions Harm Women?
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Amy O'Donnell
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Do chemical abortions harm women?

Amy O’Donnell is the Director of Communications with Texas Alliance for Life. Today, Amy discusses the dangers of the chemical abortion pill and why the issue of its’ safety is before the US Supreme Court.

Click here for the latest from the Texas Alliance for Life Post-Roe video series.

Click here to read the press release from Texas Alliance for Life featuring comments by Dr. Ingrid Skop with the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

Click here to help support Texas Alliance for Life.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are chemical abortion pills? How do they work?

Does the FDA claim that chemical abortion pills are safe to use? Amy O’Donnell reveals the sad statistics and horrible side effects.

Why is the safety and distribution of chemical abortion pills being discussed before the US Supreme Court?

Are chemical abortion pills legal or illegal inside the state of Texas?

Where do we go from here?

Click here to help support Texas Alliance for Life.

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April 2, 2024

Title: Do Chemical Abortions Harm Women?
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Amy O'Donnell
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Do chemical abortions harm women?

Amy O’Donnell is the Director of Communications with Texas Alliance for Life. Today, Amy discusses the dangers of the chemical abortion pill and why the issue of its’ safety is before the US Supreme Court.

Click here for the latest from the Texas Alliance for Life Post-Roe video series.

Click here to read the press release from Texas Alliance for Life featuring comments by Dr. Ingrid Skop with the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

Click here to help support Texas Alliance for Life.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are chemical abortion pills? How do they work?

Does the FDA claim that chemical abortion pills are safe to use? Amy O’Donnell reveals the sad statistics and horrible side effects.

Why is the safety and distribution of chemical abortion pills being discussed before the US Supreme Court?

Are chemical abortion pills legal or illegal inside the state of Texas?

Where do we go from here?

Click here to help support Texas Alliance for Life.

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December 4, 2023

Title: Texas Still Fighting Abortion Laws in Court
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Amy O'Donnell
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Part 1 of 2

Amy O’Donnell is the Communications Director for Texas Alliance for Life. Today, Amy discusses the current abortion laws in Texas and the Texas v. Zurawski case.

Click here to read more on this from the Texas Alliance for Life.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are the details about the current abortion laws in Texas: The Texas Heartbeat Act and the Human Life Protection Act?

Under what circumstances are abortions allowed under these two laws? Amy explains the difference between the “life of the mother” and the “health of the mother”.

From August 2022 through June 2023, how many abortions were performed under the exceptions? Have any doctors prosecuted or disciplined related to those cases?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Texas Still Fighting Abortion Laws in Court
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Amy O'Donnell
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is the Texas Supreme Court being asked to expand abortion access in Texas? Amy discusses the lawsuit by the New York Center for Reproductive Rights.

Does the Texas Medical Board need to clarify the law?

Does the Texas Constitution include the “right to an abortion”? Amy explains why the Texas Alliance for Life has filed a brief on behalf of dozens of Texas State Legislators.

When will the Texas Supreme Court release its ruling?

Click here to help support Texas Alliance for Life.

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August 31, 2023

Title: Major Victory for Babies in America!
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Amy O'Donnell
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Today, Texas Alliance for Life Communications Director, Amy O’Donnell, discusses the recent ruling by the 5th Circuit Court that states the abortion industry cannot send the abortion pill through the mail. This is a major victory!

Click here to read the press release from Texas Alliance for Life on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did the 5th Circuit Court rule against the Biden Administration and the abortion industry concerning “mail order abortion pills”? Amy explains the court’s decision and what the FDA failed to do beforehand.

What are the dangerous side effects of taking the abortion pill at home?

Did the 5th Circuit Court conclude that the FDA failed to consider the cumulative effect of removing essential safety standards and reporting requirements?

Does the 5th Circuit Court decision apply to abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood and abortion doctors?

Does the decision have any effect in Texas?

Click here to help support Texas Alliance for Life.

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August 25, 2023

Title: Major Victory for Babies in America!
Topic: Pro-Life Issues
Discussed by Amy O'Donnell
with Texas Alliance for Life (

Today, Texas Alliance for Life Communications Director, Amy O’Donnell, discusses the recent ruling by the 5th Circuit Court that states the abortion industry cannot send the abortion pill through the mail. This is a major victory!

Click here to read the press release from Texas Alliance for Life on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did the 5th Circuit Court rule against the Biden Administration and the abortion industry concerning “mail order abortion pills”? Amy explains the court’s decision and what the FDA failed to do beforehand.

What are the dangerous side effects of taking the abortion pill at home?

Did the 5th Circuit Court conclude that the FDA failed to consider the cumulative effect of removing essential safety standards and reporting requirements?

Does the 5th Circuit Court decision apply to abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood and abortion doctors?

Does the decision have any effect in Texas?

Click here to help support Texas Alliance for Life.

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