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July 15, 2024

Title: The Ethics of Organ Donation
Topic: Organ Harvesting
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Part 1 of 3

Is there clear evidence that China is executing political prisoners by harvesting organs while the prisoner is alive and then selling the harvested body parts in the world market? What are our elected officials in America doing to stop it?

Today, Dr. Heidi Klessig discusses this horrific practice and what can be done to stop it. Dr. Klessig is a retired anesthesiologist and pain management specialist, who now speaks about the dangers of organ donation. She is an author with Respect for Human Life.

Click here to read Dr. Klessig’s op-ed on this important topic.

Click here for some great videos from Dr. Heidi Klessig on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is China’s track record of forced organ harvesting well-documented? Dr. Klessig reveals the shocking details from reputable sources from around the world.

In recent years, has China developed one of the largest and most sophisticated systems of organ transplantation in the world with wait times far shorter than in most other countries?

Is medical tourism to receive transplants in China big business?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Ethics of Organ Donation
Topic: Organ Harvesting
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What states have addressed and/or banned the practice of organ harvesting from China? Dr. Heidi Klessig discusses the positive legislation from Delaware, Texas, Utah, and Idaho. She also explains why the Governor of Arizona vetoed a bill passed by both the House and Senate.

Have the countries of Israel, Spain, Italy, Taiwan, Norway, and Belgium passed laws against forced organ harvesting?

What is the purpose of HR4132, the Falun Gong Protection Act? Is the Senate version, SB761, stalled in committee? Dr. Klessig explains the strong penalties outlined in this bill.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Ethics of Organ Donation
Topic: Organ Harvesting
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the clinical definition of “death”? Has it been modified over the past few years? Dr. Klessig explains the tricky language used to trick people into becoming organ donors. Click here for all the latest information from Dr. Heidi Klessig and Respect for Human Life.

Click here to order a copy of one of the many books by Dr. Heidi Klessig and others from Respect for Human Life.

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July 10, 2024

Title: The Ethics of Organ Donation
Topic: Organ Harvesting
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Part 1 of 3

Is there clear evidence that China is executing political prisoners by harvesting organs while the prisoner is alive and then selling the harvested body parts in the world market? What are our elected officials in America doing to stop it?

Today, Dr. Heidi Klessig discusses this horrific practice and what can be done to stop it. Dr. Klessig is a retired anesthesiologist and pain management specialist, who now speaks about the dangers of organ donation. She is an author with Respect for Human Life.

Click here to read Dr. Klessig’s op-ed on this important topic.

Click here for some great videos from Dr. Heidi Klessig on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is China’s track record of forced organ harvesting well-documented? Dr. Klessig reveals the shocking details from reputable sources from around the world.

In recent years, has China developed one of the largest and most sophisticated systems of organ transplantation in the world with wait times far shorter than in most other countries?

Is medical tourism to receive transplants in China big business?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Ethics of Organ Donation
Topic: Organ Harvesting
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What states have addressed and/or banned the practice of organ harvesting from China? Dr. Heidi Klessig discusses the positive legislation from Delaware, Texas, Utah, and Idaho. She also explains why the Governor of Arizona vetoed a bill passed by both the House and Senate.

Have the countries of Israel, Spain, Italy, Taiwan, Norway, and Belgium passed laws against forced organ harvesting?

What is the purpose of HR4132, the Falun Gong Protection Act? Is the Senate version, SB761, stalled in committee? Dr. Klessig explains the strong penalties outlined in this bill.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Ethics of Organ Donation
Topic: Organ Harvesting
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the clinical definition of “death”? Has it been modified over the past few years? Dr. Klessig explains the tricky language used to trick people into becoming organ donors. Click here for all the latest information from Dr. Heidi Klessig and Respect for Human Life.

Click here to order a copy of one of the many books by Dr. Heidi Klessig and others from Respect for Human Life.

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August 3, 2023

Title: Canada Updates “Death Standards”. Is America Next?
Topic: Euthanasia
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Heidi Klessig is a retired anesthesiologist and pain management specialist. She was a recent observer to the Uniform Law Commission, which met to consider a revision of the Uniform Determination of Death Act of 1981. Today, Dr. Klessig helps us understand the difference between legally dead vs. biologically dead.

We urge all listeners to read and share her recent op-ed about Canada’s proposed changes to death standards and how it could affect Americans.

Click here to order a copy of one of Dr. Klessig’s books.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the definition of when death occurs changing? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Dr. Klessig shares some of the changes that have already been made and why doctors in the US are asking the Uniform Law Commission to change their standards to keep from being sued.

EXAMPLE: A person is unresponsive, dependent on a ventilator, and lacking certain protective brainstem reflexes, but still has a beating-heart. Is it “worth the effort” to keep that person alive, praying for a full recovery and restoration of full health? Click here to read story after story of survivors!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Canada Updates “Death Standards”. Is America Next?
Topic: Euthanasia
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are doctors in the US urging the Uniform Law Commission to change their death standards?

What is the difference between legally dead vs. biologically dead?

Does the Canadian committee responsible for the death standard re-write have team members who belong to organ donation organizations? Shouldn’t this be considered a major red flag and conflict of interest?

If adopted, will the new definition of death standards in the US lead to rushed judgments from medical staff and steer patients to receive less care or no care at all? Dr. Klessig discusses the pro-life organizations that are fighting the US re-write of the death standards, including the National Right to Life and the National Catholic Bioethics Center.

Patients have the right to expect the best care they can receive. If the new death standards are adopted in the US, will this change once a person is declared legally dead? Will patients lose their civil right to care? Will it lead to premature deaths?

Why is public trust in the American medical system at an all-time low? Dr. Klessig explains why people should consider removing themselves from the organ donation list. Click here for more information.

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July 10, 2023

Title: The Ethics of Organ Harvesting and Transplantation
Topic: Organ Donation
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as medical or legal advice. Always consult your physician or attorney for advice on this and other issues.

Are you an organ donor? Is it ethical? Dr. Heidi Klessig is a retired anesthesiologist and pain management specialist. Today, Dr. Klessig discusses what you need to know about organ donation.

Click here to read Heidi’s article in the American Thinker.

Click here to order a copy of the many books by Respect for Human Life authors.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Dr. Klessig so passionate about this topic?

What is a tissue transplant compared to an organ transplant? Dr. Klessig takes us back to high school biology class…

What transplants are ethical and which are not?

Is it important to understand the moral framework of the Ten Commandments, focusing on murder, lying, and theft? Dr. Klessig says: “Following these precepts also fulfills the Golden Rule: treating others as we want to be treated.”

Are there critical details that everyone who signs a donor card has a right to know?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Ethics of Organ Harvesting and Transplantation
Topic: Organ Donation
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as medical or legal advice. Always consult your physician or attorney for advice on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are organ procurement organizations?

Do organ procurement organizations sometimes interfere with autopsies? Dr. Klessig admits that this answer surprised her when she was doing her research.

Must someone be a registered organ and/or tissue donor to donate after their death?

Can a listener simply notify their family of their wishes? Dr. Klessig discusses the actions you must take to remove yourself from the organ donor list. Click here for the downloadable card to keep in your wallet.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Ethics of Organ Harvesting and Transplantation
Topic: Organ Donation
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as medical or legal advice. Always consult your physician or attorney for advice on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there differences in tissue harvesting/transplanting and organ harvesting/transplanting?

What is “living organ donation”? Dr. Klessig calls this the “happy story of transplants” because everyone remains alive after the donation and offers examples.

What are “paired organs”? Are these considered ethical transplants?

Should someone consider traveling to another country if needing an organ transplant?

Are there legal and ethical questions surrounding a diagnosis of “brain dead”?  Dr. Klessig reveals that in 1968, a committee of doctors at Harvard Medical School changed the meaning of death. She also discusses the horrific changes being made to the Uniform Determination of Death Act of 1981.

What is donation after “circulatory death”? Is this banned in many European countries? Click here for more information about the ethical definition of death.

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June 5, 2023

Title: The Ethics of Organ Harvesting and Transplantation
Topic: Organ Donation
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as medical or legal advice. Always consult your physician or attorney for advice on this and other issues.

Are you an organ donor? Is it ethical? Dr. Heidi Klessig is a retired anesthesiologist and pain management specialist. Today, Dr. Klessig discusses what you need to know about organ donation.

Click here to read Heidi’s article in the American Thinker.

Click here to order a copy of the many books by Respect for Human Life authors.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is Dr. Klessig so passionate about this topic?

What is a tissue transplant compared to an organ transplant? Dr. Klessig takes us back to high school biology class…

What transplants are ethical and which are not?

Is it important to understand the moral framework of the Ten Commandments, focusing on murder, lying, and theft? Dr. Klessig says: “Following these precepts also fulfills the Golden Rule: treating others as we want to be treated.”

Are there critical details that everyone who signs a donor card has a right to know?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Ethics of Organ Harvesting and Transplantation
Topic: Organ Donation
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as medical or legal advice. Always consult your physician or attorney for advice on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are organ procurement organizations?

Do organ procurement organizations sometimes interfere with autopsies? Dr. Klessig admits that this answer surprised her when she was doing her research.

Must someone be a registered organ and/or tissue donor to donate after their death?

Can a listener simply notify their family of their wishes? Dr. Klessig discusses the actions you must take to remove yourself from the organ donor list. Click here for the downloadable card to keep in your wallet.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Ethics of Organ Harvesting and Transplantation
Topic: Organ Donation
Discussed by Dr. Heidi Klessig
with Respect for Human Life (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as medical or legal advice. Always consult your physician or attorney for advice on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there differences in tissue harvesting/transplanting and organ harvesting/transplanting?

What is “living organ donation”? Dr. Klessig calls this the “happy story of transplants” because everyone remains alive after the donation and offers examples.

What are “paired organs”? Are these considered ethical transplants?

Should someone consider traveling to another country if needing an organ transplant?

Are there legal and ethical questions surrounding a diagnosis of “brain dead”?  Dr. Klessig reveals that in 1968, a committee of doctors at Harvard Medical School changed the meaning of death. She also discusses the horrific changes being made to the Uniform Determination of Death Act of 1981.

What is donation after “circulatory death”? Is this banned in many European countries? Click here for more information about the ethical definition of death.

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