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April 6, 2023

Title: Eat Bugs. Save the Planet.
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Courtnie Bagley
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Climate activists have a brand-new idea to saving the planet: Eat more bugs! Yes. This is a real thing.

New guest Courtnie Bagley manages curriculum development and teacher professional development efforts at Life:Powered, an initiative of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Today, Courtnie discusses this latest “trend” and what Texas parents can do to prevent it from entering our public education classrooms.

Click here for the latest from Courtnie Bagley.

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Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did a school district in Utah recently give students bugs to eat? Courtnie explains how students were given an essay assignment to write about “climate change and eating bugs to mitigate methane emissions that come from the cow.”

Were the students allowed to research and share other points of view? Is this clearly part of the climate cult’s indoctrination campaign aimed at children?

How does this compare to science classes in Texas public schools? Courtnie discusses some new, positive developments from the Texas State Board of Education. However, we have a long way to go concerning other issues, specifically Critical Race Theory.

What is the 1619 Project? NOTE: You can go to our ARCHIVES and search under the topic “1619 Project” for more interviews, information, links, and resources.

Why is the Texas Public Policy Foundation providing FREE K-12 school materials, professional development, and other resources for teachers and parents? Click here for more information about Classroom:Powered at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Is it time for Texas parents to be empowered to select the school that is right for their children? Click here for more information about school choice from the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

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