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March 17, 2023

Title: A Message on Forgiveness
Topic: Special Sermon
Discussed by RT Kendall
with RT Kendall Ministries (

Day 5

This week, we have a special guest minister, RT Kendall, who is an old friend of Pastor Jarrett Stephens’. RT Kendall was the senior minister at Westminster Chapel from 1977 until 2002. He is the author of 90 books, as well!

More information about RT Kendall Ministries can be found here.

Scripture Passage: Genesis 45:1-8

Find Pastor RT Kendall’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


Yesterday, RT Kendall closed the segment sharing about a woman in his congregation who had done something horrible to a child. He knew she had done it. Others knew she had done it. He didn’t want to forgive her. What was the message he heard from God through the Holy Spirit? What was he to do? Has God blessed him in return? Can and will God do it for you?

What are you doing with your gift from God? RT Kendall reminds us that it’s hard to serve God fully with unforgiveness in our heart…

You will mess up. Don’t let the devil convince you that you’re not good enough.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back. /strong>

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click

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March 16, 2023

Title: A Message on Forgiveness
Topic: Special Sermon
Discussed by RT Kendall
with RT Kendall Ministries (

Day 4

This week, we have a special guest minister, RT Kendall, who is an old friend of Pastor Jarrett Stephens’. RT Kendall was the senior minister at Westminster Chapel from 1977 until 2002. He is the author of 90 books, as well!

More information about RT Kendall Ministries can be found here.

Scripture Passage: Genesis 45:1-8

Find Pastor RT Kendall’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


How can we know if we have totally forgiven someone?
Don’t remind them of what they’ve done. What if someone doesn’t know they need your forgiveness? RT Kendall says to forgive them anyway – and pray for blessings on them, too! WOW! What a thought…

How can we know if we have totally forgiven someone?
Just “save face” – protect them and cover for them.
After all, Jesus did for you! And Joseph did it for his brothers – the guys who sold him into slavery!

How can we know if we have totally forgiven someone?
Protect them from their darkest secret.
Why wouldn’t Joseph let his brothers tell Jacob what they did years ago?

How can we know if we have totally forgiven someone?
It’s a life secret.
When Jacob died, why were the brothers afraid that Joseph would finally take his revenge?
Should we really keep praying for them ten years from now? RT Kendall is very firm in this: YES!

RT Kendall closes the segment today sharing about a woman in his congregation who had done something horrible to a child. He didn’t want to forgive her. What was the message he heard from God through the Holy Spirit?

Book Reference: “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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March 15, 2023

Title: A Message on Forgiveness
Topic: Special Sermon
Discussed by RT Kendall
with RT Kendall Ministries (

Day 3

This week, we have a special guest minister, RT Kendall, who is an old friend of Pastor Jarrett Stephens’. RT Kendall was the senior minister at Westminster Chapel from 1977 until 2002. He is the author of 90 books, as well!

More information about RT Kendall Ministries can be found here.

Scripture Passage: Genesis 45:1-8

Find Pastor RT Kendall’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


How can we know if we have totally forgiven someone?
Don’t tell anybody what they did.
Ouch! That is HARD!
But remember: No one else may ever know, but God knows!

RT Kendall continues to share the story of Joseph’s forgiveness of his brothers.
Why did he forgive them?
Did the people in Egypt know what his brothers had done?
Wouldn’t the people hate his brothers as Joseph did at one time if they knew the truth?

Is it ever okay to tell someone else about your trouble with forgiveness? RT Kendall believes there are two: tell one person for therapeutic reasons and a court of law during a criminal proceeding.

Couples: How often do you “point the finger” at your spouse? Why? What good does it do? RT Kendall says to STOP IT! (1 Corinthians 13:5)

How can we know if we have totally forgiven someone?
Don’t remind them of what they’ve done.
This is a hard one, too!
But what if someone doesn’t even know they have hurt you? Tune in tomorrow as RT Kendall expands on this…

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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March 14, 2023

Title: A Message on Forgiveness
Topic: Special Sermon
Discussed by RT Kendall
with RT Kendall Ministries (

Day 2

This week, we have a special guest minister, RT Kendall, who is an old friend of Pastor Jarrett Stephens’. RT Kendall was the senior minister at Westminster Chapel from 1977 until 2002. He is the author of 90 books, as well!

More information about RT Kendall Ministries can be found here.

Scripture Passage: Genesis 45:1-8

Find Pastor RT Kendall’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


We are commanded to forgive others – even our enemies! Why is forgiveness so hard for us, though – total and utter forgiveness? RT Kendall shares about a dark time that he and his wife suffered through, which turned out to be the best thing that quite possibly could have happened! He also admits that his suffering might seem small compared to others’ suffering. He says: “The angels have a special word for you: ‘Congratulations’! … You have a promise of blessing! … Don’t hold a grudge and give the devil an entry point!” Amen! (2 Corinthians 2:11)

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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March 13, 2023

Title: A Message on Forgiveness
Topic: Special Sermon
Discussed by RT Kendall
with RT Kendall Ministries (

Day 1

This week, we have a special guest minister, RT Kendall, who is an old friend of Pastor Jarrett Stephens’. RT Kendall was the senior minister at Westminster Chapel from 1977 until 2002. He is the author of 90 books, as well!

More information about RT Kendall Ministries can be found here.

Scripture Passage: Genesis 45:1-8

Find Pastor RT Kendall’s sermon here.

If you have questions about a sermon, please contact Champion Forest at


FUN FACT: March 5, 2023, marked Pastor Jarrett’s 20th year as a Pastor! Amazing!

What do you remember about the story of Joseph? Do remember his father, Jacob, being a “bad dad”? How was Jacob a “bad dad”? How and why was Joseph arrogant? Did this bother his brothers? What did his brothers do in retaliation? How did their father Jacob react to the news that Joseph was “dead”? Why were the brothers sent to Egypt? Who did they meet in Egypt? Had Joseph’s attitude toward his brothers?

Tomorrow, RT Kendall shares about a dark time that he and his wife suffered through, which turned out to be the best thing that quite possibly could have happened!

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, text the word JESUS to 77069 and a pastor or counselor from CFBC will call you back.

For more details about Champion Forest Baptist Church, click here.

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