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March 13, 2023

Title: Is The 1619 Project an Accurate Representation of the Founding and Building of America?
Topic: The 1619 Project
Discussed by Dr. Phil Magness
with American Institute for Economic Research (

Part 1 of 4

NOTE: We will not be giving the 1619 Project any kind of shout-out. Therefore, there will be no direct links to the website or affiliates. If you would like more information about the 1619 Project, use Duck Duck Go (not the other search engine that begins with a G.)

A wise man once said: “History is written by the victors. There is always more than two sides to every story”. (Quote attributed to Winston Churchill, but he may have been quoting someone else. We don’t know for sure.)

Dr. Phil Magness is Senior Research Faculty and Director of Research and Education at the American Institute for Economic Research. Today, he discusses the lies found within the 1619 Project and how we can fight back against the Woke Progressive Agenda.

Click here for more articles about the 1619 Project from the American Institute for Economic Research.

Click here for more about the American Institute for Economic Research.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is the author of the 1619 Project? What are her credentials?

Was the setting for the book the 1619 Project the “400th Anniversary of the Beginning of American Slavery”?

Is it a fact that white settlers in the colonies of America invented slavery? Does the 1619 Project present this lie as fact?

The 1619 Project claims that one critical reason the colonists declared their independence from Britain was to protect the institution of slavery in the colonies. Is this claim true? Dr. Magness explains that the timeline is completely wrong…

Does the 1619 Project say that Capitalism and slavery go together like a “hand inside a glove”?

Book Reference: “The Wealth of Nations” by Adam Smith

Is the streaming service Hulu airing episodes of the 1619 Project Documentary? Is this full of lies, as well?

Are people now exposing the lies found within the 1619 Project?

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Title: PART 2 OF 4 - Is The 1619 Project an Accurate Representation of the Founding and Building of America?
Topic: The 1619 Project
Discussed by Dr. Phil Magness
with American Institute for Economic Research (

NOTE: We will not be giving the 1619 Project any kind of shout-out. Therefore, there will be no direct links to the website or affiliates. If you would like more information about the 1619 Project, use Duck Duck Go (not the other search engine that begins with a G.)

Questions/Issues Discussed:

IIs there any truth to the 1619 Project or the documentary on Hulu? Dr. Magness reveals that there is a “little bit of truth”, specifically about the horrific practice of slavery. However, there is much that is omitted about the fight to end slavery in America, as well as lies about the Indians.

Prior to the 1619 Project, did most history books include all the facts about slavery and Indians? What is being taught now?

The 1619 Project is providing free curriculum for every grade, including colleges/universities. Is it widely used throughout America?

Is there any wonder why the younger generations in America hate the older generations? Dr. Magness says: “This is what we’re seeing the fruits of… it’s basically teaching a one-sided version of history.”

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Title: PART 3 OF 4 - Is The 1619 Project an Accurate Representation of the Founding and Building of America?
Topic: The 1619 Project
Discussed by Dr. Phil Magness
with American Institute for Economic Research (

NOTE: We will not be giving the 1619 Project any kind of shout-out. Therefore, there will be no direct links to the website or affiliates. If you would like more information about the 1619 Project, use Duck Duck Go (not the other search engine that begins with a G.)

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the younger generations hate Capitalism and believe Socialism is the answer?

Throughout history, has every major civilization had some form of slavery and/or genocide?

Does slavery of all kinds still exist in today’s society – in America and around the world?

Is Nikole Hannah-Jones (the author of the 1619 Project) fighting for emancipation of modern-day slaves? Dr. Magness says: “They seem to largely bypass the issue – unless it can be used to discredit the American founding.”

Is the 1619 Project designed to destroy Capitalism and promote Marxism?

Is the 1619 Project Documentary popular on Hulu?

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Title: PART 4 OF 4 - Is The 1619 Project an Accurate Representation of the Founding and Building of America?
Topic: The 1619 Project
Discussed by Dr. Phil Magness
with American Institute for Economic Research (

NOTE: We will not be giving the 1619 Project any kind of shout-out. Therefore, there will be no direct links to the website or affiliates. If you would like more information about the 1619 Project, use Duck Duck Go (not the other search engine that begins with a G.)

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the 1619 Project want to end all private property rights for Americans? Dr. Magness reveals shocking information from the final episode of the 1619 Project Documentary.

How should the 1619 Project be countered? Dr. Magness has some great advice and encouragement for parents and even teachers/school administrators.

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