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September 27, 2022

Title: Is the World Over or Under Populated?
Topic: Population Growth
Discussed by Marian Tupy
with CATO Institute

Marian Tupy is the Editor of and a Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity. Marian specializes in globalization and global well-being, as well as politics and economics of Europe and Southern Africa.

Today, he discusses the new book he co-authored with the Discovery Institute's Gale Pooley. "Superabundance: The Story of Population Growth, Innovation, and Human Flourishing on an Infinitely Bountiful Planet" hits all the talking points about the world population - and the lies being spread by the environmentalists. In fact, Marian calls the lies "non-sense".

Click here t to read Marian Tupy's op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed

Do humans impact the world in both good and bad ways?

Since the 5th Century BC, have thinkers agreed that population growth needed to be controlled lest the food supply be overwhelmed and famine ensue? Marian Tupy explains that, while this is true, we have grown in knowledge and we now have very efficient agriculture systems that provide plenty of food for people across the world.

Are our students being taught that "too many of us are using too much"?

How long must someone work to buy a variety of products? Why is this important for the world economy?

On On average, does a human create more value today than what they are consuming?

Is innovation the key to human survival? Marian explains how innovation is "the expansion of the physical limits of our planet". He writes: "To innovate, people must be allowed to think and to act. Such people can create tremendous value".

Why did Marian Tupy and Gale Pooley write "Superabundance"?

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