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May 10, 2022

Title: Telemedicine is Here to Stay
Topic: Telemedicine
Discussed by Dr. Josh Umbehr
with Atlas MD (

Part 1 of 3

New guest Dr. Josh Umbehr is a Family Medicine Specialist and Founder of Atlas MD. Today, Dr. Umbehr discusses some valuable lessons we learned from the COVID lockdowns and what the future of Telehealth could look like.

Click here  to read the article on this topic by Dr. Josh Umbehr.

Click here to read more from Atlas MD.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In 1879, a Lancet article discussed the revolutionary idea that telephone calls could reduce unnecessary in-person visits to the doctor’s office. Dr. Umbehr says: “It doesn’t feel like we’ve come too far since then.”

What government regulations hinder the growth of Telemedicine?

What is the difference between Telehealth and Telemedicine?

What regulations/laws (federal and state) were changed during the COVID lockdowns? Dr. Umbehr explains one of the major changes…

Do physicians fear a third-party stealing a patients’ information when healthcare is discussed via text or email?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Telemedicine is Here to Stay
Topic: Telemedicine
Discussed by Dr. Josh Umbehr
with Atlas MD (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has there been friction between medical providers (doctors/hospitals) and the people who pay the bills (Medicare/Medicaid/private insurance providers) regarding Telemedicine “visits”?

Has Telemedicine exploded over the past few years? Dr. Umbehr explains that it is such a better way to conduct initial AND follow-up visits, especially to reduce the risk of spreading a virus.

What is meant by the “Good Faith Principle”?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Telemedicine is Here to Stay
Topic: Telemedicine
Discussed by Dr. Josh Umbehr
with Atlas MD (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can smart-watches really save lives? Dr. Umbehr explains how smart-watches cannot promise anything, but they are able to detect several heart issues which can definitely save lives. He also shares about one of his own patients.

Are there too many laws and regulations which restrict physicians from performing their duty to their patients?

Is Telemedicine the way of the future for medical care? Dr. Umbehr says: “I hope it’s Pandora’s Box!

What is Dr. Umbehr’s short, mid, and long-term goals with Telehealth and Atlas MD?

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