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March 22, 2022

Title: When the Circle is Broken
Topic: Grieving Parent
Discussed by Bob Arnold
with Author

Part 1 of 3

Few people understand what it’s like to lose a child. In his new book, “When the Circle Is Broken”, Bob Arnold shares about his grief and feelings of helplessness after the death of his daughter. More importantly, though, Bob also helps us learn how to connect with others who are grieving.

Click here to purchase “When the Circle is Broken: Our Journey through Deep Sorrow and Surprising Joy in the Loss of Our Daughter” by Bob and Jeanne Arnold.

Click here to follow Bob and Jeanne’s story on Facebook.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did Bob’s daughter die?

What helped during the beginning stages of mourning? Bob mentions several things that helped, including reading the Psalms and being surrounded by friends who grieved with them.

What didn’t help? This is something we have probably all done that we think will help, but it actually doesn’t…

What was the one comment at the funeral service that had a positive impact on Bob?

Why did Bob write: “In life’s greatest struggles, only a firm foundation of truth brings peace”? This is absolutely beautiful! Listen close as Bob explains…

Why did Bob feel such a sense of helplessness?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - When the Circle is Broken
Topic: Grieving Parent
Discussed by Bob Arnold
with Author

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did the shock of his daughter’s death keep Bob from feeling stress and anxiety at first? Bob discusses the importance of being honest with yourself and with God.

Why do most of us question God when a loved one dies?

Why does Bob encourage everyone to stand still when the fire of life is the hottest? Bob calls this a “lesson in suffering” using Job as an example.

In “When the Circle Is Broken”, Bob describes clinging to desperate hope as he waited for God to take away his pain and to answer his questions. How does Bob know that God met him along his path of suffering and grief? Bob shares several absolutely sweet and amazing stories… Grab some Kleenex!

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - When the Circle is Broken
Topic: Grieving Parent
Discussed by Bob Arnold
with Author

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did Bob’s daughters’ death impact how he now views life? In the first segment, Bob shared that someone once reminded him that God also lost a child; this reminder helped change his view drastically.

How can the words found in “When the Circle Is Broken” help others? Click on the link above to order a copy of Bob’s new book. In fact – get several copies, including one for your church library.

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