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March 2, 2022

Title: Russian and Ukraine: What’s Really Happening?
Topic: Russia and Ukraine
Discussed by Harry Kazianis
with National Interest (

Harry Kazianis was a Russian Foreign Policy Adviser to the 2016 campaign of Senator Ted Cruz. He has provided expert commentary and analysis for many outlets including the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the Washington Post, Fox News, Fox Business, the Financial Times, and many others.

Today, Harry offers his opinion and some expert insight about the Russia/Ukraine situation.

Click here for more from guest Harry Kazianis.

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Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why has Harry Kazianis conducted many wargame simulations fighting Russian forces in the Baltics and Ukraine? Are any of those wargame simulations coming true?

Has Russia modernized its military forces (compared to the US)? Harry reveals that Russia has gone a lot further than anyone every thought they would, but they are facing a tough opponent in Ukraine.

Can Ukraine repel the current Russian attack?

Will Russia use tactical nukes against Ukraine if they think they are losing? Harry discusses why he doesn’t believe Russia will resort to that for several reasons.

Is the Russian invasion of Ukraine a classic example of winning a battle, but losing the war?

Why did Harry Kazianis give this advice to Joe Biden: “If Putin does try to swallow Ukraine, it seems only fair to help him choke on it”?

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