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June 29, 2021

Title: Texas Special Session
Topic: Special Session of the Texas Legislature
Discussed by Noah Weinrich
with Heritage Action for America (

Starting July 8th, a Special Session of the Texas Legislature will begin. One issue that must be discussed and passed is Election Integrity Reform.

Noah Weinrich, the Communications Director with Heritage Action for America, discusses SB7 today. Click here for more on election integrity reform in Texas and across the nation.

For more information about Heritage Action for America, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The Democrats had many plans to nationalize voting procedures. Did they fail? Noah calls the Dems’ “For The People Act” the “Corrupt Politicians Act” and rightly so!

Would Election Integrity Reform make it easier to vote and harder to cheat?

Noah Weinrich discusses what true reform should include, more in-person voting, prohibiting vote harvesting, and updating voter rolls more efficiently.

Democrats are crying and shouting from the roof tops that Republicans simply want to suppress the right of everyone to vote. Is this a false argument?

Do the majority of Americans demand better election integrity?

Click here to email Governor Abbott directly regarding Election Integrity Reform.

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