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May 28, 2024

Title: Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Part 1 of 3

Patrick Prill is the author of “Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense”. He has been a frequent guest in recent months discussing his book and morality in America. Click here  for more from Patrick.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Some atheists say “worth” is based on “usefulness”. Does God say we ALL matter?

What is an atheist humanist? What do they believe?

Do some atheists believe there is no inherent right or wrong? Patrick shares a great story about his own daughter’s response to this question.

Does right and wrong change over time? Patrick mentions the six moral principles: truth, faith, purity, goodness, loving, and just. These never change. They are “non-conflicting moral principles”.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who decides who is “useful”?

Is it acceptable for someone to say you have worth one day and not the next?

Does the value that God gave us trump everything else?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is God required for universal morality to exist?

Does God have an unchanging moral code that He has given to man?

For mankind to have a shared universal purpose for existence, does it make sense that a designer of mankind would be required?

Patrick makes this statement: “God gave us the ability to love people because He wanted His children to love. It can only be love if we choose freely to love Him back.”

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March 23, 2021

Title: Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Part 1 of 3

Patrick Prill is the author of “Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense”. He has been a frequent guest in recent months discussing his book and morality in America. Click here  for more from Patrick.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Some atheists say “worth” is based on “usefulness”. Does God say we ALL matter?

What is an atheist humanist? What do they believe?

Do some atheists believe there is no inherent right or wrong? Patrick shares a great story about his own daughter’s response to this question.

Does right and wrong change over time? Patrick mentions the six moral principles: truth, faith, purity, goodness, loving, and just. These never change. They are “non-conflicting moral principles”.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who decides who is “useful”?

Is it acceptable for someone to say you have worth one day and not the next?

Does the value that God gave us trump everything else?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is God required for universal morality to exist?

Does God have an unchanging moral code that He has given to man?

For mankind to have a shared universal purpose for existence, does it make sense that a designer of mankind would be required?

Patrick makes this statement: “God gave us the ability to love people because He wanted His children to love. It can only be love if we choose freely to love Him back.”

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February 25, 2021

Title: Is Morality Still Important?
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Part 1 of 3

What is the foundation, the cornerstone, the bedrock upon which morality is built?  Is there still right and wrong? Is there no morality left in the world? Should everyone just do what is right in their own eyes?

Patrick Prill is the author of “Things Atheists Say”. Today, he discusses morality in America (and the world).

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is human worth is based on their usefulness? Do atheists really believe this?

What is “natural selection”?

What is “survival of the fittest”?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Is Morality Still Important?
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Stephen Hawking, profound atheist, suffered the crippling effects of ALS. He was also a brilliant man, even if he did contradict God in his findings. Would some people (atheists) say that his life had no value due to his disability?

Do atheists believe that the strong should help the weak? Care for the sick? Provide for the poor? This answer just might surprise you! Listen as Patrick describes different types of morality.

Without CHRISTIAN morality, is there any reason to help another person?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Is Morality Still Important?
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there inherent value in each person?

Is the foundation, the cornerstone, the bedrock upon which morality built the inherent value of each person?

What is “Personhood”?

Click the link above to order your copy of Patrick’s book, “Things Atheists Say”.

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February 24, 2021

Title: Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Part 1 of 3

Patrick Prill holds a MA in Theology and a MA in Church History from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He also earned a BBA in Economics from the University of Memphis. Before retiring, Patrick was Managing Director, Partner, Chief Information Officer, COO, and Executive Committee member of some of the world's premier investment firms.

So why did Patrick write the book, “Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense”? Because he is passionate about theism – that God exists!

Get your copy here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there a new breed of atheist in town – one who is intelligent, vocal, and many times very aggressive?

What is the difference between “old atheism” and “new atheism”?

Is one of their goals to silence Christians and remove religious speak from the marketplace?

Richard Dawkins said that people who believe in God are unintelligent. Is this an accurate statement?

What are some of the modern and not-so-modern things atheists say? Tune in to the next two segments as Patrick shares some of the crazy things they say and believe.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do any of the atheist’s statements hold water in their challenge to God Almighty? Patrick shares what Stephen Hawking believes about the universe.

Atheist Richard Dawkins says looks are deceiving; it’s an illusion. Does this statement hold up against the Biblical view of “life looks designed”?

Nel deGrasse Tyson, the director of the Planetariums at the American Museum of National History, believes that our universe is just a computer simulation on someone’s hard drive. Other atheists believe we are just figures within someone’s imagination. WHAT IN THE WORLD???

Did the universe come from nothing? What is the real challenge that atheists face over creation? It all goes back to about 1920…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Some atheists like Thomas Nagel simply just don’t want God to be real. Can we just deny God and therefore He is gone? Patrick discusses the atheist Friedrich Nietzsche’s beliefs.

Many atheists use the argument “I cannot believe in something I cannot see”. Does God hide from us? Has He ever hidden Himself from us? Why is this such a silly statement?

Does the existence of pain and suffering in the world disprove the existence of a knowing, powerful, and good God?

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February 2, 2021

Title: Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Part 1 of 3

Patrick Prill holds a MA in Theology and a MA in Church History from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He also earned a BBA in Economics from the University of Memphis. Before retiring, Patrick was Managing Director, Partner, Chief Information Officer, COO, and Executive Committee member of some of the world's premier investment firms.

So why did Patrick write the book, “Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense”? Because he is passionate about theism – that God exists!

Get your copy here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there a new breed of atheist in town – one who is intelligent, vocal, and many times very aggressive?

What is the difference between “old atheism” and “new atheism”?

Is one of their goals to silence Christians and remove religious speak from the marketplace?

Richard Dawkins said that people who believe in God are unintelligent. Is this an accurate statement?

What are some of the modern and not-so-modern things atheists say? Tune in to the next two segments as Patrick shares some of the crazy things they say and believe.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do any of the atheist’s statements hold water in their challenge to God Almighty? Patrick shares what Stephen Hawking believes about the universe.

Atheist Richard Dawkins says looks are deceiving; it’s an illusion. Does this statement hold up against the Biblical view of “life looks designed”?

Nel deGrasse Tyson, the director of the Planetariums at the American Museum of National History, believes that our universe is just a computer simulation on someone’s hard drive. Other atheists believe we are just figures within someone’s imagination. WHAT IN THE WORLD???

Did the universe come from nothing? What is the real challenge that atheists face over creation? It all goes back to about 1920…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Some atheists like Thomas Nagel simply just don’t want God to be real. Can we just deny God and therefore He is gone? Patrick discusses the atheist Friedrich Nietzsche’s beliefs.

Many atheists use the argument “I cannot believe in something I cannot see”. Does God hide from us? Has He ever hidden Himself from us? Why is this such a silly statement?

Does the existence of pain and suffering in the world disprove the existence of a knowing, powerful, and good God?

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February 1, 2021

Title: Is Morality Still Important?
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Part 1 of 3

What is the foundation, the cornerstone, the bedrock upon which morality is built?  Is there still right and wrong? Is there no morality left in the world? Should everyone just do what is right in their own eyes?

Patrick Prill is the author of “Things Atheists Say”. Today, he discusses morality in America (and the world).

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is human worth is based on their usefulness? Do atheists really believe this?

What is “natural selection”?

What is “survival of the fittest”?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Is Morality Still Important?
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Stephen Hawking, profound atheist, suffered the crippling effects of ALS. He was also a brilliant man, even if he did contradict God in his findings. Would some people (atheists) say that his life had no value due to his disability?

Do atheists believe that the strong should help the weak? Care for the sick? Provide for the poor? This answer just might surprise you! Listen as Patrick describes different types of morality.

Without CHRISTIAN morality, is there any reason to help another person?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Is Morality Still Important?
Topic: Morality In America
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there inherent value in each person?

Is the foundation, the cornerstone, the bedrock upon which morality built the inherent value of each person?

What is “Personhood”?

Click the link above to order your copy of Patrick’s book, “Things Atheists Say”.

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January 25, 2021

Title: Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Part 1 of 3

Patrick Prill holds a MA in Theology and a MA in Church History from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He also earned a BBA in Economics from the University of Memphis. Before retiring, Patrick was Managing Director, Partner, Chief Information Officer, COO, and Executive Committee member of some of the world's premier investment firms.

So why did Patrick write the book, “Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense”? Because he is passionate about theism – that God exists!

Get your copy here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there a new breed of atheist in town – one who is intelligent, vocal, and many times very aggressive?

What is the difference between “old atheism” and “new atheism”?

Is one of their goals to silence Christians and remove religious speak from the marketplace?

Richard Dawkins said that people who believe in God are unintelligent. Is this an accurate statement?

What are some of the modern and not-so-modern things atheists say? Tune in to the next two segments as Patrick shares some of the crazy things they say and believe.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do any of the atheist’s statements hold water in their challenge to God Almighty? Patrick shares what Stephen Hawking believes about the universe.

Atheist Richard Dawkins says looks are deceiving; it’s an illusion. Does this statement hold up against the Biblical view of “life looks designed”?

Nel deGrasse Tyson, the director of the Planetariums at the American Museum of National History, believes that our universe is just a computer simulation on someone’s hard drive. Other atheists believe we are just figures within someone’s imagination. WHAT IN THE WORLD???

Did the universe come from nothing? What is the real challenge that atheists face over creation? It all goes back to about 1920…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Things Atheists Say That Simply Make No Sense
Topic: Things Atheists Say That Make No Sense
Discussed by Patrick Prill
with Things Atheists Say (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Some atheists like Thomas Nagel simply just don’t want God to be real. Can we just deny God and therefore He is gone? Patrick discusses the atheist Friedrich Nietzsche’s beliefs.

Many atheists use the argument “I cannot believe in something I cannot see”. Does God hide from us? Has He ever hidden Himself from us? Why is this such a silly statement?

Does the existence of pain and suffering in the world disprove the existence of a knowing, powerful, and good God?

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