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June 4, 2020

Title: Domestic Abuse on the Rise Amid Lockdown
Topic: Domestic Violence
Discussed by Sheryl Johnson
with Northwest Assistance Ministries

Part 1 of 3

Reports are showing that during this time of the Coronavirus lockdown, domestic abuse is on the rise. The pandemic is causing stress and economic pressures, which weighs heavy on a household and relationships.

Sheryl Johnson, Director of NAM’s Family Violence Center, shares information to help the community and victims better understand family violence in the shadow of COVID-19.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there a greater risk of domestic violence during the Coronavirus lockdown?

Does abuse most often happen when the abused are out-of-sight and out-of-mind from others?

Are at-risk children and even adults missing out on their support network?

For a child living in a home with domestic violence, what has changed for them now that they’re staying home with their abuser all the time?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Domestic Abuse on the Rise Amid Lockdown
Topic: Domestic Violence
Discussed by Sheryl Johnson
with Northwest Assistance Ministries

Questions/Issues Discussed:

During the quarantine, will there be more abuse? Have hotlines seen an uptick in calls?

Does stress cause someone to go from a verbal abuser to a physical abuser?

Will he abuse escalate the longer the lockdown continues?

Are children more aware of abuse and at a greater risk of being abused during the lockdown?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Domestic Abuse on the Rise Amid Lockdown
Topic: Domestic Violence
Discussed by Sheryl Johnson
with Northwest Assistance Ministries

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Sheryl has been working with the Family Violence Center at NAM for nearly 20 years. She shares how and why she keeps fighting for domestic violence victims, even after all she has seen and heard over the years.

What should someone living in an abusive situation know?
Know you aren’t alone.
Call or text 911. YES you can TEXT 911!
Reach out to a neighbor or friend.
Have a code word for help that a family or friend knows.

What resources are available for someone to get help or get away from their abuser?

Are there ways that friends or family members can help?

If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse, please call NAM at 281.885.HOPE for help.

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