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April 27, 2018

Title: The Names of God
Topic: The Names of God
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Everything that we need is found in the Bible, including the names of God. But, who is God? What does His name mean? How many names represent the name of God?

Each day this week, Rabbi Michael Vowell brings us to a closer understanding of God by studying His name. Rabbi Michael Vowell heads the Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston, one of the largest Jewish congregations in the nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was it hard for Moses to convince the people to trust God? What did God do in response to their mistrust?

Scripture Reference: Exodus 34:6-7 Do you ever choose to purposefully disobey God? Have you ever said an unkind word to another person? Have you ever lied to someone? Have you ever gone over the speed limit? These are all the same as disobeying God…

Will God punish your kids and grandkids if you sin? See Deuteronomy 24:16

Why does God give us a choice if He already knows our decision?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 26, 2018

Title: The Names of God
Topic: The Names of God
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Everything that we need is found in the Bible, including the names of God. But, who is God? What does His name mean? How many names represent the name of God?

Each day this week, Rabbi Michael Vowell brings us to a closer understanding of God by studying His name. Rabbi Michael Vowell heads the Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston, one of the largest Jewish congregations in the nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Scripture Reference: Exodus 3:16-17 According to the information in these two verses, the nation should be angry with Moses and Israel. What did they offer instead? Should we love our enemies just as we love our allies?

What is the purpose of the Passover?

Do coincidences exist? Or is everything predestined by God?

Listen as Rabbi Michael Vowell shares a story about a neighbor he once had who was a Neo Nazi. “If He can make a Neo Nazi be at peace with a Jew, He can take care of your boss.

Scripture Reference: Exodus 3:20 How often do you fully trust God? Do you complain first or do you pray first?

Is the Bible more than just stories for us to tell our children and grandchildren? HINT: Yep!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 25, 2018

Title: The Names of God
Topic: The Names of God
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Everything that we need is found in the Bible, including the names of God. But, who is God? What does His name mean? How many names represent the name of God?

Each day this week, Rabbi Michael Vowell brings us to a closer understanding of God by studying His name. Rabbi Michael Vowell heads the Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston, one of the largest Jewish congregations in the nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Scripture Reference: Exodus 3:11 The lesson from this short verse is this: Wait on the Lord. Did Moses learn this lesson quickly or did it take some time for him to realize this?

Listen as Rabbi Vowell shares a short story of his personal desire to plant a church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. How did God humble him and his wife during this time?

Scripture Reference: Exodus 3:14-15 Could Moses trust God?

God always reveals:
His uniqueness
His close intimate presence
His blessing

Have you seen God like this lately?

Rabbi Vowell says this: “God expects our relationship with Him to be two-sided. We have to work just as hard as He does.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 24, 2018

Title: The Names of God
Topic: The Names of God
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Everything that we need is found in the Bible, including the names of God. But, who is God? What does His name mean? How many names represent the name of God?

Each day this week, Rabbi Michael Vowell brings us to a closer understanding of God by studying His name. Rabbi Michael Vowell heads the Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston, one of the largest Jewish congregations in the nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does “Adonai” mean? Why do Jews say Adonai instead of the name Jesus?

Why did Greek writers place the “AOA” within “YHWH”? Did this confuse people? Did people begin to mispronounce YHWH because of the three letters?

Is saying Jehovah right or wrong?

Why is “God” always capitalized as “LORD” in the Bible?

How many times is Adonai used in the Bible? HINT: It’s a lot!!

Scripture Reference: Exodus 2:11-12 Did this event open up Moses’s eyes to what was really happening? Did Moses require God’s help?

Rabbi Vowell says this: “At a certain point in our lives, we have to stop trying to always be in charge and let Him conduct His rescue operation.

Tune in tomorrow as Rabbi Vowell shares more on Exodus 3:11.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 23, 2018

Title: The Names of God
Topic: The Names of God
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Everything that we need is found in the Bible, including the names of God. But, who is God? What does His name mean? How many names represent the name of God?

Each day this week, Rabbi Michael Vowell brings us to a closer understanding of God by studying His name. Rabbi Michael Vowell heads the Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston, one of the largest Jewish congregations in the nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does Yeshua (Jesus) mean? While Rabbi Michael Vowell is serious about the names of God, he shares a funny joke with the class…

At Rabbi Vowell’s synagogue, they begin each service with the following:

Listen for the English translation!

Do you have confidence in who God says He is? Reference: Psalm 68:20-21

Does God offer escape routes? Psalm 118:25-26

What does “Adonai” mean? Why do Jews say Adonai instead of the name Jesus? NOTE: Rabbi Vowell will expand on this in Tuesday’s segment…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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March 30, 2018

Title: The Names of God
Topic: The Names of God
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

Everything that we need is found in the Bible, including the names of God. But, who is God? What does His name mean? How many names represent the name of God?

Each day this week, Rabbi Michael Vowell brings us to a closer understanding of God by studying His name. Rabbi Michael Vowell heads the Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston, one of the largest Jewish congregations in the nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was it hard for Moses to convince the people to trust God? What did God do in response to their mistrust?

Scripture Reference: Exodus 34:6-7 Do you ever choose to purposefully disobey God? Have you ever said an unkind word to another person? Have you ever lied to someone? Have you ever gone over the speed limit? These are all the same as disobeying God…

Will God punish your kids and grandkids if you sin? See Deuteronomy 24:16

Why does God give us a choice if He already knows our decision?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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March 29, 2018

Title: The Names of God
Topic: The Names of God
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

Everything that we need is found in the Bible, including the names of God. But, who is God? What does His name mean? How many names represent the name of God?

Each day this week, Rabbi Michael Vowell brings us to a closer understanding of God by studying His name. Rabbi Michael Vowell heads the Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston, one of the largest Jewish congregations in the nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Scripture Reference: Exodus 3:16-17 According to the information in these two verses, the nation should be angry with Moses and Israel. What did they offer instead? Should we love our enemies just as we love our allies?

What is the purpose of the Passover?

Do coincidences exist? Or is everything predestined by God?

Listen as Rabbi Michael Vowell shares a story about a neighbor he once had who was a Neo Nazi. “If He can make a Neo Nazi be at peace with a Jew, He can take care of your boss.

Scripture Reference: Exodus 3:20 How often do you fully trust God? Do you complain first or do you pray first?

Is the Bible more than just stories for us to tell our children and grandchildren? HINT: Yep!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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March 28, 2018

Title: The Names of God
Topic: The Names of God
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Everything that we need is found in the Bible, including the names of God. But, who is God? What does His name mean? How many names represent the name of God?

Each day this week, Rabbi Michael Vowell brings us to a closer understanding of God by studying His name. Rabbi Michael Vowell heads the Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston, one of the largest Jewish congregations in the nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Scripture Reference: Exodus 3:11 The lesson from this short verse is this: Wait on the Lord. Did Moses learn this lesson quickly or did it take some time for him to realize this?

Listen as Rabbi Vowell shares a short story of his personal desire to plant a church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. How did God humble him and his wife during this time?

Scripture Reference: Exodus 3:14-15 Could Moses trust God?

God always reveals:
His uniqueness
His close intimate presence
His blessing

Have you seen God like this lately?

Rabbi Vowell says this: “God expects our relationship with Him to be two-sided. We have to work just as hard as He does.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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March 27, 2018

Title: The Names of God
Topic: The Names of God
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

Everything that we need is found in the Bible, including the names of God. But, who is God? What does His name mean? How many names represent the name of God?

Each day this week, Rabbi Michael Vowell brings us to a closer understanding of God by studying His name. Rabbi Michael Vowell heads the Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston, one of the largest Jewish congregations in the nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does “Adonai” mean? Why do Jews say Adonai instead of the name Jesus?

Why did Greek writers place the “AOA” within “YHWH”? Did this confuse people? Did people begin to mispronounce YHWH because of the three letters?

Is saying Jehovah right or wrong?

Why is “God” always capitalized as “LORD” in the Bible?

How many times is Adonai used in the Bible? HINT: It’s a lot!!

Scripture Reference: Exodus 2:11-12 Did this event open up Moses’s eyes to what was really happening? Did Moses require God’s help?

Rabbi Vowell says this: “At a certain point in our lives, we have to stop trying to always be in charge and let Him conduct His rescue operation.

Tune in tomorrow as Rabbi Vowell shares more on Exodus 3:11.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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March 26, 2018

Title: The Names of God
Topic: The Names of God
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

Everything that we need is found in the Bible, including the names of God. But, who is God? What does His name mean? How many names represent the name of God?

Each day this week, Rabbi Michael Vowell brings us to a closer understanding of God by studying His name. Rabbi Michael Vowell heads the Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston, one of the largest Jewish congregations in the nation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does Yeshua (Jesus) mean? While Rabbi Michael Vowell is serious about the names of God, he shares a funny joke with the class…

At Rabbi Vowell’s synagogue, they begin each service with the following:

Listen for the English translation!

Do you have confidence in who God says He is? Reference: Psalm 68:20-21

Does God offer escape routes? Psalm 118:25-26

What does “Adonai” mean? Why do Jews say Adonai instead of the name Jesus? NOTE: Rabbi Vowell will expand on this in Tuesday’s segment…

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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December 22, 2017

Title: Jonah and the Big Fish
Topic: Jonah and the Big Fish
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 5

On Sunday, December 10, 2017, Houston Rabbi Michael Vowell was the special guest speaker during Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, offering a different look at the story of Jonah and the giant fish.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do you know someone who is living an absolutely evil life? If they accepted Jesus as their Savior and started living a “better” life than you, would it make you angry? Hopefully not, but be honest!

Listen as Rabbi Michael Vowell shares a personal story of a neighbor who was a White Supremacist…

Did Jonah know his actions were wrong?

Did Jonah beg for death?

Was Jonah changed?

Rabbi Vowell also mentions the Enniskillen bombing in Ireland in 1987 and a testimony from Gordon Wilson. It’s a great story of forgiveness…

Final thoughts: Do you love or hate your enemies?

You’re invited (but you must RSVP!!) to the annual Passover dinner at Congregation Beth Messiah in March! Click here  to purchase tickets.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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December 21, 2017

Title: Jonah and the Big Fish
Topic: Jonah and the Big Fish
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 4

On Sunday, December 10, 2017, Houston Rabbi Michael Vowell was the special guest speaker during Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, offering a different look at the story of Jonah and the giant fish.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When Jonah finally went into Nineveh, his sermon wasn’t really what God meant it to be.

Did the Ninevites misunderstand what Jonah was saying?

God used Jonah’s words against him. How did God use a five word sermon from a rebellious prophet for His glory?

Why did the King of Nineveh declare a fast for the nation? Did he warn the people of the consequences of their sin? Did he call for repentance? Why didn’t Jonah do the same?

The people of Nineveh were truly repentant. “They had a paper thin conscience,” Rabbi Vowell says. Why is this so significant? HINT: The people of Nineveh were really, really, really bad people!

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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December 20, 2017


Jonah and the Big Fish
Topic: Jonah and the Big Fish
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

On Sunday, December 10, 2017, Houston Rabbi Michael Vowell was the special guest speaker during Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, offering a different look at the story of Jonah and the giant fish.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Were the pagans behaving more like Christ-followers than Jonah, the prophet? Rabbi Vowell discusses how the first prayer, the first sacrifice, and the first vow of obedience were all done by the pagans, not the prophet.

Do we know what kind of giant fish swallowed Jonah?

Was Jonah presumed dead? Of course!! This is what the story of Jonah is about!

The instrument of Jonah’s death became the instrument for his life,” Rabbi Vowell says. “Likewise, the instrument of Jesus’s death was the instrument for his life.” The difference, however, is this: Jonah was upset that God loved his enemies. Jesus loved his God for loving his enemies.

How long was Jonah’s “sermon” in Nineveh? In Hebrew, it was only five little words!

Did Jonah really follow God’s command to preach in the city?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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December 19, 2017

Title: Jonah and the Big Fish
Topic: Jonah and the Big Fish
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 2

On Sunday, December 10, 2017, Houston Rabbi Michael Vowell was the special guest speaker during Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, offering a different look at the story of Jonah and the giant fish.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In Monday’s segment, Rabbi Vowell compared Jonah to Sherlock Holmes. Today, he uses a comic book reference to describe the story. Listen in!

What does Jonah’s name mean? Also, what does his father’s name mean? NOTE: This is really cool information to know!

Why did Jonah use a giant ship to escape God?

Why did Jonah go below deck to take a nap?

The men on the ship realized that God was angry with Jonah and wanted him off the ship. Did the ship want him off, too? This is where the comic book comparisons comes in…

Who suffered as a result of Jonah’s sin? Rabbi Vowell says this: “When you rebel, it hurts ‘we’ and not just ‘me’.

Jonah told the men on the ship that he feared God, but was this really true? Do you do the same – act one way and say another?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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December 18, 2017

Title: Jonah and the Big Fish
Topic: Jonah and the Big Fish
Discussed by Rabbi Michael Vowell
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 1

On Sunday, December 10, 2017, Houston Rabbi Michael Vowell was the special guest speaker during Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy Class, offering a different look at the story of Jonah and the giant fish.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Contrary to popular belief, the story of Jonah is NOT about a giant fish (or whale or shark or whatever sea creature you imagine…).

The story of Jonah is about a rebellious prophet who hates God for loving his enemies.

Rabbi Michael Vowell compares Jonah to Sherlock Holmes. Why?

Was Jonah a real person? Or is the story satire? Rabbi Vowell uses Luke 11:29-32 as a reference, quoting Jesus.

Was Jonah the only person in Nineveh who didn’t repent?

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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