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April 17, 2024

Title: Americans Skipping Meals to Afford Housing
Topic: Inflation
Discussed by Joe Barnett
with Heartland Daily News (

Joe Barnett is the Senior Editor for Heartland Daily News, a publication of the Heartland Institute. Today, Joe discusses the ever-rising inflation hitting our nation and what people are doing to afford basic needs.

Click here to read Joe Barnett’s op-ed on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Many Americans are struggling to pay their mortgage or rent. How are they attempting to find more dollars available for necessities?

According to one recent poll, 57.8% of Americans disapprove of the way Biden is handling the economy. Will he be able to pull a rabbit out of his hat and turn things around before the next election? Joe Barnett reveals that the US Federal government is currently borrowing $6 BILLION PER DAY to stay operational, so turning things around pretty much isn’t an option.

Americans painfully made it through the Carter years. Can we survive and thrive this time around?

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August 2, 2016

Title: Is Wind Energy Viable in Today’s Market?
Topic: Wind Energy
Discussed by Joe Barnett
with Heartland Daily News (

In recent years, Texas has become the nation’s leader in wind energy.  In 2014, wind farms in the Lone Star State had the capacity to produce more than 12,000 megawatts of electricity, enough to power 3.3 million homes.  But given the unpredictable nature of wind, they produce, on average, only 33.9 percent of their maximum capacity.

Joe Barnett is the Senior Director of Policy Research at the National Center for Policy Analysis. Today he will be discussing a recent research study done by his colleague, John McDonald entitled: “Three Friends and the Texas Wind Industry”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can you segregate out the electrons produced by wind energy and enable individual consumers to only use electrons produced by wind energy?br />
How much generated electricity is lost during transmission from west Texas to the urban areas of Houston?

In simple terms, Joe Barnett explains how AC DC works in regards to electrical generation, transmission, and end-use consumption.

On average, are wind mills producing about 1/3rd of the time?

On average, do natural gas fueled electrical generating plants operate more that 80% of the time?

Without huge subsidies, would wind-produced electricity price the middle and low income households out of the market? In other words, would low-income families be forced to pull their plugs and not use electricity because of its high cost?

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