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May 9, 2016

Title: Follow Up Interview on Foster Care
Topic: Foster Care
Discussed by Dr. John DeGarmo
with Dr. John DeGarmo (

We have Dr. John DeGarmo back with us today for a follow-up on his interview from May 5, 2016. If you missed it check out our archives!

There is a wide-spread, unfair misconception about the foster care system. Dr. DeGarmo says, “Many people think that the children are bad. But that’s the furthest thing from the truth. They are the victims.” Today, the focus of the interview with Dr. DeGarmo is to encourage churches to become involved in the foster care process.

Dr. DeGarmo says that a church of any size can act as a “safe haven”. He explains that most visitations between foster children and their family members are conducted at a jail or an empty, cold, unwelcoming room with a CPS agent. Churches, however, can open their doors to be a visitation location with volunteers acting as moderators. Listen in as he explains that this is a way churches can really be the hands and feet of Jesus to both the children and the parents and family members.

Dr. DeGarmo shares some heartbreaking stories of children who did not even know how to open up a present when they came to their home. One fifteen-year-old didn’t know he could keep his Christmas gift! When the teenager realized the gift was for him, and no one else, he cried! Dr. John gives suggestions of how churches can help by hosting a “suitcase drive” or a “backpack drive”. He also encourages church members to be honorary present-givers for birthdays and Christmas.

Order a copy of Dr. John DeGarmo’s book, “Fostering Love: One Foster Parent’s Journey”, for yourself, a friend or family member, or for your church library by clicking here here.

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May 5, 2016

Title: Faith and Foster Care: How We Impact God’s Kingdom
Topic: Foster Care
Discussed by Dr. John DeGarmo
with Dr. John DeGarmo (

What is the church doing about the devastating numbers of children who are in the foster care system in America? Over 200,000 new children each year are added to the system and not nearly enough are placed in loving, caring Christian homes. Has God called you to help?

New Guest Dr. John DeGarmo has a passion and willingness to serve as a foster parent, speak about foster care issues, and train others about the foster care system. Dr. DeGarmo is the host of the weekly radio show “Parent Talk with Dr. John” and is the author of “Fostering Love: One Foster Parent’s Journey”.

One of the greatest needs is for foster parents of children who are older, nearing the “age-out limit”. When a foster child reaches the age of eighteen (some states wait until they are twenty-one), they are just dumped into the real world, with no family and no one to help them find their way. Dr. DeGarmo gives the grim statistics for these children in this interview.

If you have ever thought of being a foster parent, what is stopping you? Many people don’t know where to start, but most are just fearful; they are scared of “feeling” too deeply for a child who may only stay in their home briefly. Dr. DeGarmo says, “You give them what they need the most: You love them unconditionally.” There is definitely grief involved, but think of the grief those children feel not having anyone to love them every day!

Dr. DeGarmo also discusses how biological and foster care children interact with each other. He and his wife have adopted three children, in addition to having three children of their own. “It’s all they’ve known,” he says. “And I hope that our children learn to put other people first, to serve and help others in need.” It’s not always easy, but that’s life, right?

In his book, “Fostering Love: One Foster Parent’s Journey”, Dr. DeGarmo covers the good, the bad, and the ugly of the foster care system. Listen in as he talks more about the book, which you can order here.

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