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April 22, 2016

Title: New Testament Survey: Second Peter
Topic: New Testament Survey
Discussed by Peter Williams
with Biblical Literacy (

Mark Lanier and Peter Williams conclude their lesson today on the book of Second Peter. Mark begins this segment by reveling in chapter 2, verse 9: “The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment until the day of judgment.” Focusing on the first half of the verse, you will see a reference to The Lord’s Prayer. Listen in as Mark breaks it down.

Weird Idea for Chapter 3 (Check out Wednesday and Thursday for ideas 1 and 2): Isn’t everything going to just go on and on and on for eternity? Peter Williams explains that there WAS a different world – before the flood! But the end of the “next” world will be overcome with fire. So, people who attempt to use this “weird idea” to deny the existence of God and the truth of the Gospel are simply not looking at all of the facts.

Peter Williams also reminds us that time is different for God. In chapter 3, verse 8 it says, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” Peter Williams goes on to read the following verse and also mentions verse 15 to explain God’s timing.

Points for Home:
1) Try to make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue.
2) Pay attention to false teachings.
3) Be diligent while waiting on the promises of God.

Scripture References:

BONUS: If you happen to be in Cambridge, England this summer (or just want an excuse to go!), Peter Williams and other scholars will be giving lectures on the Gospels from July 11-15.

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April 21, 2016

Title: New Testament Survey: Second Peter
Topic: New Testament Survey
Discussed by Peter Williams
with Biblical Literacy (

Part 4

We are all so busy with life, work, family, church, hobbies. The majority of us are blessed far beyond what we can imagine – we are ALL blessed more than we deserve. God has given each and every one of us spiritual blessings in every aspect of our lives. You may not feel that way today, but you will. God promised.

Keeping that in mind, Mark Lanier poses the following question to guest Peter Williams: “What does all this mean to us? When we leave the confines of this building and we’re back into [life], how does it make a difference to us?” Peter Williams’ response is beautiful: “Our calling in life is not success. Our calling is obedience.”

Remember, at this point in the passage in Second Peter, he is still in prison, giving thanks to God for his hardship! Peter Williams says this: “He has been given everything he needs to live a godly and faithful life. God will take care of the fruit.” Mark puts it this way: “I’m taking God with me!” We already know He’s with us, we might as well make it known!

Weird Idea #2 from Second Peter (If you missed Weird Idea #1, listen to Wednesday’s segment!): Some people think that Peter was making everything up! But, by his own account and others, Jesus’s resurrection was truly real! Plus, Second Peter is the only book which mentions the transfiguration other than the four Gospels. Furthermore, Peter already had experience denying Christ. Why would he change his mind unless he had proof? That’s important!

Weird Idea #3: There have always been false prophets – there always will be. However, false teachers will always be discovered and punished for their lies! Peter Williams explains that Chapter 2 of Second Peter is all about the punishment phase which Peter endured. He also discusses three groups of beings from Second Peter 2:4-6. The purpose of punishment in Ancient Days was to submit a warning to others not to behave as the “criminal” dis. Listen in to hear more!

Scripture References: Matthew 4:4; Psalm 16:11

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 20, 2016

Title: New Testament Survey: Second Peter
Topic: New Testament Survey
Discussed by Peter Williams
with Biblical Literacy (

Part 3

Peter was a wise man, but he wasn’t always like that. He definitely had his doubts and was very vocal about them. He did, after all, deny Christ three times. In his letters to the followers of Jesus, though, he was very firm in his convictions.

We begin today’s lesson with Mark Lanier and Peter Williams discussing the importance of Second Peter 1 verses 5-9. They touched on these verses briefly yesterday, but go into much more detail today.

How can we apply Peter’s advice to our lives today? “If an apostle can grow, then so can we!” Peter Williams declares. Even Jesus grew in maturity and wisdom. Surely we can, too! Peter, in his letter, is very cautious in his advice, though. He warns the people (and us!) to take baby steps.

Mark breaks down the three chapters in Second Peter with subtitles. Chapter 1: Glory. Chapter 2: Corruption. Chapter 3: Corruption Ends and Glory Begins Again! Peter Williams reminds us that the writing style in Biblical times was very different than our style today. We like point markers – this happened, than this, and this and this. Peter and others did not write in this manner.

Listen in as Peter Williams explains Peter’s reasons for writing the letter the way he did. His explanation really helps to better understand what we are to do now as Christians when facing persecution.

Mark also chimes in to give his opinion on this issue, with help from Peter Williams. He offers some “weird ideas” from Second Peter. Tune in tomorrow to hear more!

Scripture References: Luke 2; Romans 8; Ephesians 1:3

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 19, 2016

Title: New Testament Survey: Second Peter
Topic: New Testament Survey
Discussed by Peter Williams
with Biblical Literacy (

Part 2

Guest Peter Williams, from London, continues to discuss some specifics about Peter’s life, especially the significance of his imprisonment. Normally, people are not rejoicing because they are in jail! I don’t think I would be! But here is Peter, giving thanks and praise to His Father for his suffering.

In 2 Peter, verse 4, Peter wrote: “Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” Then, he goes on to explain in his letter in verses 5 and 11 why escaping the corruption and persecution of the world is a blessing!

Mark discusses some of the details about The Dead Sea Scrolls, such as the time period in which they were written. One phrase from The Dead Sea Scrolls which Mark mentions here is: “People of understanding, supplement learning, supplement justice with modesty, supplement the way with strength, as men of truth supplement righteousness. As people who have loving kindness, supplement humility.” This is the same principal which Peter writes about in his letter. Listen in as Mark explains the similarities.

Mark also reminds us that it is not enough to just read the Bible and know the truth of God’s Word. You must grow in your ability to exercise self-control and godliness. Then he puts Peter Williams on the spot concerning a passage at the end of John after Jesus had been resurrected. This is the famous passage where Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him. Listen in as Mark and Peter Williams both discuss this important passage.

Peter Williams and Mark also discuss when Peter went to Rome. He was a broken man who was far less than perfect, yet here he was about to get killed for his faith. He had denied Jesus and he could have backed down and denied him again, but he didn’t. Listen in as Peter Williams gives more details.

Scripture References: John 21:15-25; Galatians 6:10; 2 Timothy

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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April 18, 2016

Title: New Testament Survey: Second Peter
Topic: New Testament Survey
Discussed by Peter Williams
with Biblical Literacy (

Part 1

Mark has a co-host this week all the way from London, England! His good friend, Peter Williams, joins Mark in teaching the lesson on Second Peter. There is not a hand-out for those who like to print one from the Biblical-Literacy website. Mark points out that the Second Peter is very similar to the short book of Jude, so he will be comparing the two during the lesson this week.

When Peter writes his second letter, he is more than likely in prison. Peter Williams explains that, although the book doesn’t specifically mention that he is in prison, the timeline of his life indicates that he was. Peter also seems to realize that his life was nearing its end; he was old and tired. Listen in as Peter Williams explains more about the context of the letter and as Mark completes the explanation.

Mark says this: “The reality of God infuses the circumstance of his life with a greater depth of meaning than the ordinary person would have.” Mark wants to live his life in the same manner.

Peter Williams points out that it is amazing to see Peter’s faith never waiver or crumble, even in the midst of adversity and struggle. Listen as Peter reveals some hidden signals in the first few verses.

Scripture References: Psalm 119

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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November 6, 2015

Title: Interview with Peter Williams
Topic: Interview with Peter Williams
Discussed by Peter Williams
with Biblical Literacy (

Part 4

Interview with Peter Williams

Peter Williams is a special guest with Mark Lanier during the lesson this week. Peter is a great friend of Mark’s from England.

Peter uses John the Baptist as an example to show how the four Gospels start out slow and climax gradually to reveal not only the person, but their purpose and mission. More importantly, however, Peter reveals each Gospel’s connection to Jesus and exactly why.

One issue Peter has discussed this entire week is the word “it” and the connotation of this word throughout history and the Bible, specifically regarding different languages. Listen in as he completes his discussion on Greek, the word “it” in different languages, and the importance of the four Gospels.

Mark concludes the lesson by encouraging you to never stop learning about God. Never stop reading the Bible. Never stop studying the Scriptures. You will always – always – learn something new.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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November 5, 2015

Title: Interview with Peter Williams
Topic: Interview with Peter Williams
Discussed by Peter Williams
with Biblical Literacy (

Part 4

Interview with Peter Williams

Peter Williams is a special guest with Mark Lanier during the lesson this week. Peter is a great friend of Mark’s from England.

The Bible has not changed. There may be different translations, but it is not different in content. Think about the four Gospels. Listen in as Peter Williams explains various Scriptures in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and breaks them down to show how they are all connected. The similarities are very subtle, but they are there.

There’s always more that joins the text together than splits it apart,” Peter says. “God didn’t have it chopped up!”

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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November 4, 2015

Title: Interview with Peter Williams
Topic: Interview with Peter Williams
Discussed by Peter Williams
with Biblical Literacy (

Part 3

Interview with Peter Williams

Peter Williams is a special guest with Mark Lanier during the lesson this week. Peter is a great friend of Mark’s from England.

Today, Peter and Mark continue discussing the Beatitudes. Each Beatitude, found in Matthew 5:1-12, begins the same way: “Blessed are” and continues with “for they” or “for theirs”. In addition, the Beatitudes use alliteration, which Peter says is one way to help believers memorize Scripture. Jesus didn’t do that on accident! Maybe that’s why preachers love this style of preaching so much!

Peter uses the Greek words in place of the English words to show how the alliteration sequence works. Listen closely because it is really, really interesting! You just might have something new to discuss in the break room to make you sound super smart, too!

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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November 3, 2015

Title: Interview with Peter Williams
Topic: Interview with Peter Williams
Discussed by Peter Williams
with Biblical Literacy (

Part 2

Interview with Peter Williams

Peter Williams is a special guest with Mark Lanier during the lesson this week. Peter is a great friend of Mark’s from England. Yesterday, Peter revealed how he likes to read the Bible in different languages. He is literate in: English, Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. He is familiar with: Latin, Syriac, Coptic and other “odd languages”, as he puts it. Listen in as he explains!

Peter poses this question: What can you learn from Greek? Mark has been teaching on Greek and the meaning behind words and phrases for several weeks now. But why? Why do you need to know all this stuff? Peter first talks about the Beatitudes and why they are important. He uses some great slides with this explanation, so be sure to check them out at the link below. Tune in tomorrow as he expands on this.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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November 2, 2015

Title: Interview with Peter Williams
Topic: Interview with Peter Williams
Discussed by Peter Williams
with Biblical Literacy (

Part 1

Interview with Peter Williams

Peter Williams is a special guest with Mark Lanier during the lesson this week. Peter is a great friend of Mark’s from England. Listen in as Mark begins the lesson this week by telling a story of a time he asked Peter about his quiet time with God.

Peter is knowledgeable in many languages and likes to read the Bible in those different languages. He says it really makes him slow down and think about the Scripture. If you don’t know different languages, Peter encourages you to buy a Bible of a different translation than you are accustomed to. This is a great way to expand and learn more about God’s Word.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

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