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April 6, 2015

Title: Putting an Arm Around Teen Moms
Topic: Teen Pregnancy
Discussed by Tricia Goyer
with Tricia Goyer (

Part 1 of 3

Life happens. Sometimes life goes along smoothly. Sometimes you’re thrown a curveball. Tricia Goyer was thrown a curveball. She was a normal teenager, cheerleading, hanging out with friends, and going to dances. Then – BAM! Teen mom. But she didn’t let it get her down! More importantly, she became a believer! She is now married, homeschooling, and helping other teen moms who feel lost and alone, giving them hope and encouragement through Jesus!

In Psalm 139, David writes how God created us and has a plan for each of us. Tricia says “God doesn’t like statistics.” Becoming a teen parent – female or make – doesn’t mean your life is over. Yes, many fall into a rut and never get out. But that doesn’t have to happen!

Oftentimes, people in the church are afraid to offer help and assistance to teen moms. They are afraid it will seem as if they “condone” their sin. Tricia says, “Even Jesus ate with tax collectors and prostitutes!” He was simply reaching out to them and when we reach out to teen moms, we show that we love them.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Putting an Arm Around Teen Moms
Topic: Teen Pregnancy
Discussed by Tricia Goyer
with Tricia Goyer (

Teen moms need hope. Yes, they need help financially and with changing diapers and sleep! But, more importantly, they need hope. They need to know that there really is hope in the Lord. They need someone to be an encouragement. They need to know that their life is not over. “Words of encouragement can be like bricks of gold in someone’s life,” says host, Terry Lowry.

Even just “looking” at someone with condemning eyes can hurt deeply. You never know what someone is going through. If you don’t know what to say, a simple smile can do wonders to lift someone’s spirits.

If Jesus was walking the earth today, how would he treat teenage moms? You don’t have to quote the Bible, you just have to live it.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Putting an Arm Around Teen Moms
Topic: Teen Pregnancy
Discussed by Tricia Goyer
with Tricia Goyer (

How you react to life changes will not only change your future, but will change your outlook on life. Tricia says, “We think we have a plan, but unexpected news will happen. There is one thing that is unchangeable, though, and that is God….Are you going to look at the change and crumble, or will you look to God and ask Him for help?

Your situation is not going to change overnight but you have to decide to make the change or it won’t happen. One thing that has helped Tricia is her perspective. Listen in as she elaborates.

You can run from God, but when you quit running, you’ll find that God is still there.

You can learn more about Tricia Goyer and her love for teen moms [here].

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