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February 6, 2015

Title: Precinct Power
Topic: Political Activism
Discussed by David Whitehead
with Precinct Power Solutions (

Conservative activists are often called the “Silent Majority”. Most Conservatives are employed full-time, with families, church activities, and other interests which occupy much of their time. So, while we may in the majority in many areas, most people don’t even know our groups or organizations exist.

Liberals, on the other hand, are often unemployed, young single adults with little to no responsibilities. This, obviously, gives them more time to volunteer for the cause they believe in.

David says we’ve become too silent in our message for fear of what someone might say or think about us. Stop this! Don’t be shy! Be loud! Be proud! The other side certainly isn’t afraid to let their voice be heard.

So, what can we do to help get our message out while still fulfilling our duties as Christians, spouses, and parents?

David suggests we openly share our Conservative beliefs at events we attend in our community – soccer games, gymnastics meets, church functions. Wear a Conservative t-shirt or hat. Place a bumper sticker on your car. Put political signs in your front yard during election time.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Engage people in respectful conversation. Share stories and articles on Facebook and Twitter. Use your Instagram account. Social media is a powerful influencer. The left is great at this – we need to be better!

Listen in as David Whitehead gives some more helpful advice on how we can have more visibility. For David’s most recent article on “Precinct Power: 21 Ways to be More Visible”, click [here].  If you’d like a copy of one of his FREE eBooks and his “Precinct Power” newsletter, click [here].

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