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December 17, 2018

Title: Israel: The Start-Up Nation
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Daniel Agranov
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

You might be surprised to discover how many new products are invented and developed in Israel. We use many of these products on a daily basis. Also, there are more start-up companies in Israel than anywhere in the world, per capita.

FACT: More Israeli patents are registered in United States than patents from Russia, India, and China combined.

FACT: Companies with research and development centers in Israel include Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Google, HP, and even John Deer!

FACT: Cell phones and flash drives originated in Israel.

Daniel Agranov, with Israel’s Consulate Office in Houston, gives some more statistics and numbers concerning the wonderful country of Israel. “Just 60 years ago, the land of Israel was dying – literally. It was desert land, dry and empty. Now, it is blooming and vibrant – all thanks to Israeli scientists,” Daniel says.

Listen in to hear how do cherry tomatoes, super cows, and Warren Buffet come in to play!

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April 11, 2018

Title: Israel: The Start-Up Nation
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Daniel Agranov
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

You might be surprised to discover how many new products are invented and developed in Israel. We use many of these products on a daily basis. Also, there are more start-up companies in Israel than anywhere in the world, per capita.

FACT: More Israeli patents are registered in United States than patents from Russia, India, and China combined.

FACT: Companies with research and development centers in Israel include Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Google, HP, and even John Deer!

FACT: Cell phones and flash drives originated in Israel.

Daniel Agranov, with Israel’s Consulate Office in Houston, gives some more statistics and numbers concerning the wonderful country of Israel. “Just 60 years ago, the land of Israel was dying – literally. It was desert land, dry and empty. Now, it is blooming and vibrant – all thanks to Israeli scientists,” Daniel says.

Listen in to hear how do cherry tomatoes, super cows, and Warren Buffet come in to play!

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March 23, 2015

Title: Israel: The Start-Up Nation
Topic: Israel
Discussed by Daniel Agranov
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

You might be surprised to discover how many new products are invented and developed in Israel. We use many of these products on a daily basis. Also, there are more start-up companies in Israel than anywhere in the world, per capita.

FACT: More Israeli patents are registered in United States than patents from Russia, India, and China combined.

FACT: Companies with research and development centers in Israel include Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Google, HP, and even John Deer!

FACT: Cell phones and flash drives originated in Israel.

Daniel Agranov, with Israel’s Consulate Office in Houston, gives some more statistics and numbers concerning the wonderful country of Israel. “Just 60 years ago, the land of Israel was dying – literally. It was desert land, dry and empty. Now, it is blooming and vibrant – all thanks to Israeli scientists,” Daniel says.

Listen in to hear how do cherry tomatoes, super cows, and Warren Buffet come in to play!

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November 21, 2014

Title: Terror in Israel
Topic: Terror in Israel
Discussed by Daniel Agranov
with Israel's Consulate Office in Houston (Houston Embassy)

The MSM won’t report on it anymore, but nearly every day there is some form of terror attack on the people of Israel. They target babies, women, men by themselves, Rabbis in synagogues. These attacks are not usually by guns or bombs, but rather cars running people over or stabbings. Horrible, unimaginable deaths.

What is fueling these vicious attacks by Palestinians in Jerusalem? Why is there so much hatred? Where is the United States during all this? Can the killings be stopped? If so, how?

Listen in as Deputy Consul Daniel Agranov discusses the recent attacks and why he believes they are becoming more frequent and violent.

Also, what should Americans be aware of when traveling to Israel for Christmas or Easter?

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