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November 4, 2014

Title: Global Warming According to an Astrophysicist and Geoscientist
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Dr. Willie Soon
with Heartland Institute (

For over 2 decades, Dr. Willie Soon has been an astronomer at the Mount Wilson Observatory. He has researched and written extensively on issues related to the sun, other stars, the Earth, astronomy, and physics. Dr. Soon has one awards for his achievements on biogeological and climate change. He is a leading authority on the relationship between the sun and global climate change.

Today, Dr. Willie Soon discusses the sun’s effect versus man’s effect on the Earth’s temperature. For thousands of years, the pattern of the sun has directly affected the Earth’s rising or falling temperatures. He says that the UN and others, like Al Gore, are blind to the fact that CO2 levels do not cause any change to the Earth’s climate – he has proof! They have no proof. Their models can’t prove it. Their fancy computers can’t prove it. Their high-paid, so-called “experts” can’t prove it.

In 2009, Dr. Willie Soon had the opportunity to personally confront Al Gore on his outrageous claims concerning global warming. Of course, Gore refused to answer Dr. Soon’s questions. Gore knows he is wrong; he just wants more money to line his pockets, fuel his private jet, and heat and cool his many multi-million dollar homes.

Al Gore and the UN are now demanding we spend of billions and billions of dollars to scale back man’s use of fossil fuels in an attempt to slow down global warming. Listen in as Dr. Soon discusses this incredible waste of our money and the consequences of the continuation of such childish behavior.

And listen to the next two segments with Dr. Marlo Lewis on “Who Made Them God?”

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