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August 19, 2014

Title: I Have Cancer. Now What?
Topic: I Have Cancer. Now What?
Discussed by Dr. Kevin Ryan
with Author

Part 1 of 2

You just left the doctor’s office. You call your spouse, a parent, or your closest friend. You tell them you have cancer.

Now what? Not much generates panic like a cancer diagnosis. In fact, most people fear cancer more than diabetes or heart failure. It is most definitely a scary diagnosis. But there is hope!

Dr. Kevin Ryan has over 30 years of experience as a hematologist-oncologist. He is a retired Air Force Colonel and clinical professor at the University of California-Davis School of Medicine. He is also a cancer survivor.

Dr. Ryan wrote the book, “When Tumor is the Rumor and Cancer is the Answer”, to help cancer victims deal with the emotional side of the disease, as well as how individuals and families can stay actively involved throughout the treatment process.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - I Have Cancer. Now What?
Topic: I Have Cancer. Now What?
Discussed by Dr. Kevin Ryan
with Author

Most people know little about cancer beyond horror stories they hear on the news, real-life movies made about someone’s journey, or what they read on the internet. Not all treatments are painful. Not every diagnosis is the same. There is not a “cookie cutter” treatment for cancer.

Dr. Kevin Ryan discusses the questions patients and families should ask once the cancer diagnosis is determined.

He also encourages people to visit the National Cancer Institute for more information at

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