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April 9, 2013

Title: Corporations Passing the Buck
Topic: Asbestos
Discussed by Dara Hegar
with Lanier Law Firm (

Dara Hegar has been named the “New Rising Star” in the legal community by Texas Monthly and was one of the “Top 100 Trial Lawyers” in 2013. She’s a smart woman.

And when it comes to getting victims their day in court, she is one of the best! Today she is here to discuss asbestos. Oh, you think asbestos is illegal? Think again! It’s not!

Nearly 300,000 people have already died from exposure to asbestos and 10,000 will die this year!

So why aren’t manufacturers being penalized for these deaths? Some are, yes. But most are claiming “no responsibility”. And you’ll never guess who is helping them hide…

If you have been exposed to asbestos, please contact the Lanier Law Firm at

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March 10, 2011

Title: The vast majority of world-wide inventions are patented right here in America. Why?
Topic: Patent Reform
Discussed by Dara Hegar
with Lanier Law Firm (

Dara Hegar, Managing Partner with the Houston office of the Lanier Law Firm, joins us questioning why the US Senate and now Congress are working double time to protect Patent Thieves. Is big business, and all their money, behind this attempt to strip the small inventor of their patent rights guaranteed in the Constitution? When drafting the Constitution, our founding fathers included language protecting the inventor. The Bill of Rights, including the right to free speech and to bear arms, was added later! Yes friends, our Founding Fathers including language protecting the inventor in the Constitution. So why is Congress working overtime to protect the Patent Thief? Listen in, get informed, and call your Congressman and ask them to Vote No on the Patent Reform Bill.

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