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March 23, 2016

Title: Scientists Disagree
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Joseph Bast
with Heartland Institute (

Part 1 of 3

Do you like air conditioning in the summer? Do you like heat in your car during the winter? Do you like living in a nice, comfortable house or apartment? Do you like a nice, tall, cold glass of sweet tea? How about indoor plumbing? I’m sure you’re a fan of that aspect of first world living!

Well, if the environmentalist and global warming alarmists have their way in America like they have in Europe, especially in Germany, all those comforts would go away permanently! Yes, that’s right! Those crazy people want us to go back to the stone ages and live in Zulu Huts! The Germans aren’t quite in the Zulu Huts yet, but that day is looming.

Joseph Bast is the President of the Heartland Institute. He is here today for three segments to shed light on the facts versus the myths concerning this serious topic. First, he rebukes NASA for displaying on their website that “97% of scientists agree about the dangers of global warming”.  Listen in as Mr. Bast reveals the four people who NASA uses as references for this information. It’s astounding!

Furthermore, most scientists do not agree on the causes and consequences on global warming. “Most scientists believe that the climate is enormously complex,” Joseph Bast says. “This might be one of the most difficult scientific questions that the community has ever faced.” He goes on to explain why it is impossible to predict the weather in the future.

One of the biggest lies about global warming is “only a small percentage of scientists don’t think that global warming is a crisis”. Read that again. This is FALSE! Joseph actually believes that “there is a small fringe in the scientific community that believes that man is responsible for climate change and that we are in for a crisis.” Read that again. This is important information to know and understand. “Most scientists believe that it is too complicated for them to do any forecasts,” Mr. Blast continues.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Scientists Disagree
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Joseph Bast
with Heartland Institute (

What is causing “catastrophic climate change” – or is there such a thing? Guest Joseph Blast helped edit and publish a short book about the topic that every parent, college student, and high school age student should read: “Why Scientists Disagree about Global Warming.”

At the end of the first segment, Mr. Bast revealed the facts about scientists who believe or don’t believe in man-caused global warming. He explains why there is such disagreement on the issue in the beginning of this segment. First, climate is chaotic and nearly impossible to predict. He also says it is an “interdisciplinary problem”. Geologists weigh in on the debate with their thoughts on the earth’s mineral formations. Physicists think they know best about carbon dioxide. Biologists believe plants and nature are the answer! “None of these [groups] see the full picture. Each accuses the other of not understanding how climate works,” Joseph Blast declares. They don’t trust each other, so how can we?!

Mr. Bast also compares the scientific method to the political science method of global warming. This will definitely bring up memories of high school science projects and debate club. “Unfortunately in the global warming debate, we’ve given up on the scientific method and we’ve moved into the political method,” he says sadly.

Listen in as Joseph Bast passionately explains how only using data which supports your hypothesis is never going to get you the answer you need, only the answer you want.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Scientists Disagree
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Joseph Bast
with Heartland Institute (

There are several policies which could have devastating effects on each and every American. First, Joseph Bast explains how the environmentalists have convinced some in Washington to propose a carbon tax on utilities. This, in turn, will make wind and solar energy look more appealing, although it will cripple low-income families who cannot afford the more expensive options. And, finally, they want to ban everything which is not “their preferred method” of energy.

Because energy is so closely related to prosperity and well-being, it literally is a campaign against a lifestyle…we’ve developed over the years that we take for granted,” Joseph Bast believes. Everything from the cereal we eat every morning to the steak that’s for dinner, from the gas that is in our cars to take us to work and school to the air condition in your home – everything is controlled by fossil fuels. And this is good for the environment!

We have a virtually unlimited supply of coal and natural gas in the United States. We can be energy self-sufficient and enjoy affordable energy. The only thing standing between us and that future is global warming alarmism,” Joseph Bast declares.

Listen in as Joseph continues to shed light on some misunderstood myths and facts about global warming.

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May 26, 2011

Title: Charter Schools
Topic: Charter Schools
Discussed by Joseph Bast
with Heartland Institute (

Joe Bast, the President and CEO of The Heartland Institute, gives an explanation on how much money Texas can save on education if they operated more “Charter” Schools. Also, no matter what your income, families qualify for grant/tuition money if they opt for a charter or private school. The best part? Teachers could see an increase of $12,000 in their pay! Log on to for more on this and other issues affecting your community.

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