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May 22, 2013

Title: Time is Running Out
Topic: Property Taxes
Discussed by Jayson Mullin
with Republic Property Tax (

The deadline to protest your property taxes in May 31. Let Republic Property Tax do all the filing and legal work for you!

You don’t owe them a dime if they don’t reduce your property taxes! Contact them today, as time is running out!

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May 23, 2011

Title: Time is Running Out! Call Republic Property Tax Today!
Topic: Property Taxes
Discussed by Jayson Mullin
with Republic Property Tax (

Part 1of 3

Houston home values are decreasing while their property taxes remain the same! Call Republic Property Tax at 713.489.8543 for your FREE consultation. In fact - you won’t owe them a dime unless they save you money! Log on to  for more.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Property Taxes
Discussed by Jayson Mullin
with Republic Property Tax (

Everyone likes to save money - especially a lot of money! Let Jayson Mullin at Republic Property Tax help you save on your home OR business property taxes. Time is running out though! Call him today at 713.489.8543 or log on to

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Property Taxes
Discussed by Jayson Mullin
with Republic Property Tax (

A computer program determined your property assessment. Was it correct? The Houston Chronicle wrote that 74 percent of property values have decreased over the past year. Did your tax assessment decrease? Probably not! Let Jayson Mullin at Republic Property Tax help you save on your home OR business property taxes. Time is running out though! Call him today at 713.489.8543 or log on to

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May 20, 2011

Title: Time Is Running Out to Save On Your Property Taxes: Call Republic Property Tax Today!
Topic: Property Taxes
Discussed by Jayson Mullin
with Republic Property Tax (

No Taxation without representation! You don’t have to fight the appraisal district by yourself. The Houston Chronicle recently reported that values are down again this year yet the Appraisal District has stated they have not LOWERED everyone’s evaluation. It is up to YOU to protest! And it is your RIGHT to protest. Republic Property Tax can help and it does not cost anything upfront. In fact, if they do not save you money, you owe NOTHING. Call Jason today at 713.489.8543 and ask him for your What’s Up Radio Program discount! The deadline to file a protest is May 31st. Don’t Delay – call Jason today! For more, log onto

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May 18, 2011

Title: Time Is Running Out to Save On Your Property Taxes: Call Republic Property Tax Today!
Topic: Property Taxes
Discussed by Jayson Mullin
with Republic Property Tax (

No Taxation without representation! You don’t have to fight the appraisal district by yourself. The Houston Chronicle recently reported that values are down again this year yet the Appraisal District has stated they have not LOWERED everyone’s evaluation. It is up to YOU to protest! And it is your RIGHT to protest. Republic Property Tax can help and it does not cost anything upfront. In fact, if they do not save you money, you owe NOTHING. Call Jason today at 713.489.8543 and ask him for your What’s UP Radio Program discount! The deadline to file a protest is May 31st. Don’t Delay – call Jason today! For more, log onto

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May 10, 2011

Title: Property Value is Down - So Why Aren’t Property Taxes Down Too?
Topic: Property Taxes
Discussed by Jayson Mullin
with Republic Property Tax (

Wouldn’t you love to lower your property taxes? Well, the county doesn’t want you to know that you can!!! Jayson Mullin, with Republic Property Tax, says that if the value of your home has decreased since the tumble in the economy, your property taxes should decrease too! Call Jayson at 713.489.8543 today!

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April 28, 2011

Title: A right not exercised is a right lost!
Topic: Property Taxes
Discussed by Jayson Mullin
with Republic Property Tax (

A right not exercised is a right lost. Only 14% of Texans exercise their right to protest the assessed value on their homes and/or business. Jayson Mullin, with Republic Property Tax found at  joins us to encourage all property owners not to trust the County Appraisal District’s evaluation of your property - residential or commercial. Call Jayson at 713.489.8543

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April 26, 2011

Title: A right not exercised is right lost
Topic: Property Taxes
Discussed by Jayson Mullin
with Republic Property Tax (

A right not exercised is right lost. Only 14% of Texans exercise their right to protest the assessed value on their homes and/or business. Jayson Mullin, with Republic Property Tax found at  joins us to encourage all property owners not to trust the County Appraisal District’s evaluation of your property - residential or commercial. Call Jayson at 713.489.8543

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April 19, 2011

Title: Every Texan has the right to protest the appraised value set by their County Appraisal District
Topic: Property Taxes
Discussed by Jayson Mullin
with Republic Property Tax (

Segment 1 of 2

Attention Home and Business owners: Property owners throughout the listening areas are now receiving their notice of appraised value from their County Appraisal Districts. It’s easy to have Republic Property Tax protest the appraised value. Every Texan has the right to protest. Call Jayson at Republic Property Tax @ 713.489.8543 or log onto

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Title: Every Texan has the right to protest the appraised value set by their County Appraisal District
Topic: Property Taxes
Discussed by Jayson Mullin
with Republic Property Tax (

Segment 2 of 2

Attention Home and Business owners: Property owners throughout the listening areas are now receiving their notice of appraised value from their County Appraisal Districts. Jayson Mullin comments: “I really care about your home and your business. Your property tax is my property tax. You have the right in Texas to protest the appraised value. We can help you save money.” Call Jayson at Republic Property Tax @ 713.489.8543 or log onto

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