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September 23, 2011

Title: The Father of Natural Selection Believed an ‘Intelligent Designer’ was Behind Creation?
Topic: Intelligent Design
Discussed by Professor Michael Flannery
with Discovery Institute (

Did Charles Darwin Steal Alfred Russel Wallace’s Idea of ‘Natural Selection’? Professor Michael Flannery details the rest of the story behind Charles Darwin, Natural Selection and how Wallace was left behind and evolution became one-dimensional. Wallace believed an “intelligent designer” was behind creation.

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February 7, 2011

Title: The Father of Natural Selection Believed an ‘Intelligent Designer’ was Behind Creation?
Topic: Intelligent Design
Discussed by Professor Michael Flannery
with Discovery Institute (

Did Charles Darwin Steal Alfred Russel Wallace’s Idea of ‘Natural Selection’? Professor Michael Flannery details the rest of the story behind Charles Darwin, Natural Selection and how Wallace was left behind and evolution became one-dimensional. Wallace believed an “intelligent designer” was behind creation.

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