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April 26, 2019

Title: Christians or “Easter Worshippers”
Topic: Christian Discrimination
Discussed by Faith McDonnell
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Islamic jihadists had no hesitation about slaughtering Christians on the holiest day of the year, the day of Jesus Christ's Resurrection. So why are some American politicians and talking heads so squeamish about identifying the victims as Christians and now calling them “Easter Worshippers”?

Faith McDonnell is the International Religious Liberty Program Director at the Institute on Religion and Democracy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there really a difference between a Christian and an “Easter Worshipper”?

Was this just a single unfortunate random act of violence? Or was it pre-meditated, part of a bigger plan (Jihad)?

Is this act of violence reprehensible?

What can Christians do to protect ourselves?

Is there a clear difference in the Trump Administration’s recognition of religious freedom versus the Obama Administration’s recognition of religious freedom, both in American and around the world?

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March 8, 2013

Title: Dennis Rodman is Blinded by the Palace Lights
Topic: Celebrities and Politics
Discussed by Faith McDonnell
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

The MSM is gushing over how wonderful and great it was to see a “celebrity” like Dennis Rodman schmooze with Dictator Kim Jong Un during a recent trip to North Korean. And I use the word “celebrity” in the loosest sense.

In case you didn’t know, Kim Jong Un just “threatened to exercise its 'right to pre-emptive nuclear attack'” against the United States and South Korea. Should we take him seriously? Can we stop him? The UN has approved sanctions aimed at disabling his finances - but will that work?

Back to Dennis Rodman…what was the purpose of his visit to North Korea? Should we, as American citizens, continue to allow Hollywood actors and other celebrities to “represent” us in foreign counties, especially socialist and dictatorship-style countries?

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March 4, 2013

Title: Jesus Said There Would be Persecution!
Topic: Istanbul Process
Discussed by Faith McDonnell
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is heralding an upcoming June meeting geared towards combating discrimination and intolerance on religious grounds, sighting the “Istanbul Process”.

Of course, the OIC cares nothing about Christian’s rights and other religious minorities. But what does this mean for Americans?

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January 18, 2011

Title: Schools, hospitals, market places as well as churches were common targets
Topic: Genocide, Scorched Earth Attacks, and Slave Raids
Discussed by Faith McDonnell
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Segment 1 of 2

Genocide, Scorched earth attacks, and Slave Raids. After decades of marginalization and persecution by its own government, the peoples of South Sudan are voting for freedom. Faith McDonnell, with the Institute on Religion and Democracy, discusses the future of those left behind. Over 500,000 died in the first phase of the genocide. When war began, it left over 2.5 million dead and over 5 million displaced throughout South Sudan. Why?

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Title: Schools, hospitals, market places as well as churches were common targets
Topic: Genocide, Scorched Earth Attacks, and Slave Raids
Discussed by Faith McDonnell
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Segment 2 of 2

Genocide, Scorched earth attacks, and Slave Raids. After decades of marginalization and persecution by its own government, the peoples of South Sudan are voting for freedom. What next for those left behind?

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September 15, 2010

Title: Islamic Double Standard: Don’t Burn the Quran…but Unless You Accept, Off With Your Head. Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Don’t Burn the Quran
Discussed by Faith McDonnell
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

The Institute on Religion & Democracy (

Would burning the Quran by a Christian provide radical Islamists with another excuse to attack already at-risk Christians in Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt and elsewhere?

Our guest, Faith McDonnell states: “Just as we do not hold all Muslims responsible for the September 11 attacks, Muslims should not hold Christian minorities responsible for the actions of one tiny Florida church." (Continued.....)

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Title: Islamic Double Standard: Don’t Burn the Quran…but Unless You Accept, Off With Your Head. Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Don’t Burn the Quran
Discussed by Faith McDonnell
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

If it takes something as incendiary as the destruction of a Quran to draw attention to the worldwide suffering church, we have not set our priorities in proper order. Every day, Christians in Indonesia, Pakistan, Sudan, and elsewhere in the Islamic world face oppression and persecution brought about without the assistance of Quran-burning clergymen.

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June 24, 2010

Topic: Homeland Security
Discussed by Faith McDonnell
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef, is currently threatened with deportation from the US. Why does guest Faith McDonnell say NO! Log on to for more on this story.

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Topic: Homeland Security
Discussed by Faith McDonnell
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Mosab converted from Islam to Christianity and worked as a double agent against the Hamas for years. So why is he facing deportation? Visit for more on this and other issues.

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