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October 29, 2010

Topic: Forced Abortions
Discussed by Colin Mason
with Population Research Institute (

Segment 1 of 2

The Chinese communist party puts tremendous pressure on officials to meet quotas for live births. Colin Mason discusses a video tape of a Chinese couple describing their forced abortion. The video can be found on our website at

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Title: Forced Abortions Live and Well in China
Topic: Forced Abortions
Discussed by Colin Mason
with Population Research Institute (

Segment 2 of 2

The story of the forced abortion continues. First the mother was attacked by a dozen family planning officials who held her and kicked her stomach. When this failed to cause a miscarriage, she was taken to a family planning detention center where they injected her uterus with a chemical causing her unborn child to die. She was within 3 or 4 weeks of giving birth. Log onto our website to view the story of this young family.

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August 17, 2010

Title: Are Children the Enemy of Productivity? Part 1 of 2
Topic: Children and Their Importance
Discussed by Colin Mason
with Population Research Institute (

Cyril Connolly once said that “there is no more somber enemy of good art than the pram in the hallway.” Connelly is here suggesting that the distractions implicit in rearing a child will undercut an artist's attempt to create, so children are to be avoided insofar as possible. I have long believed that Connelly is wrong in opposing children to art. So I was pleasantly surprised, recently, to see my view validated by Frank Cottrell Boyce, a successful British screenwriter, novelist and actor. Boyce's article, entitled “The Parent Trap: Art After Children” and appearing in Britain's Guardian, makes the case that children, far from inhibiting or destroying an artist's creativity, are actually a creative boon. (Continued next segment)

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Title: Are Children the Enemy of Productivity? Part 2 of 2
Topic: Children and Their Importance
Discussed by Colin Mason
with Population Research Institute (

He has this to say about fatherhood and art: What is "me", if not the sum of all my relationships and obligations? A customer, that's what. The more you give, the more you are. Think of Chekhov, with his patients and his crowds of dependent relatives, whose living room became such a public space that he had to put up no smoking signs. His advice to young writers was "travel third class". Ralph Waldo Emerson's was to "buy carrots and turnips" … There's a belief that to do great work you need tranquility and control that the pram is cluttering up the hallway; life needs to be neat and tidy. This isn't the case. Tranquility and control provide the best conditions for completing the work you imagined. But surely the real trick is to produce the work that you never imagined. The great creative moments in our history are almost all stories of distraction and daydreaming — Archimedes in the bath, Einstein dreaming of riding a sunbeam — of alert minds open to the grace of chaos.

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August 4, 2010

Topic: Tax Payer Funded Abortions
Discussed by Colin Mason
with Population Research Institute (

Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ) has introduced new legislation called the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act”. If passed, it would institute a permanent, government-wide statutory ban on all taxpayer-funded abortions. Visit for more information on how to urge your Elected Official to support this bill.

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May 14, 2010

Title: HOW DO YOU SPELL “OVERPOPULATION”? Just kill ignorant poor people! Part 1 of 2
Topic: Genocide
Discussed by Colin Mason
with Population Research Institute (

US aid focuses not on helping to deliever primary health care to developing countries, but rather on population reduction. No wonder o\people around the world hate the U.S. Sterilization without concent should never be the policy of the US government funded by our taxes. For more log onto

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Title: HOW DO YOU SPELL “OVERPOPULATION”? Just kill ignorant poor people! Part 2 of 2
Topic: Genocide
Discussed by Colin Mason
with Population Research Institute (

US aid focuses not on helping to deliever primary health care to developing countries, but rather on population reduction. No wonder o\people around the world hate the U.S. Sterilization without concent should never be the policy of the US government funded by our taxes. For more log onto

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