< Previous www.TerryLowry.com February 20184849February 2018 www.TerryLowry.com www.TerryLowry.com February 20185051February 2018 www.TerryLowry.com www.TerryLowry.com February 20185253February 2018 www.TerryLowry.com www.TerryLowry.com February 20185455February 2018 www.TerryLowry.com www.TerryLowry.com February 201856Electronic Poll BooksComing to the Election Day Polls Guest Editorial byStan StanartHarris County ClerkSince being electedCounty Clerk, I haveworked very hard,building on my technicalbackground, to be beingknown as a state and nationalleader in election technologyand security. In the March 2018 Primary, we will berolling out a new electronic Poll Book, hosted on an AppleiPad, which my office of election experts and I designedand developed. The new ePollBook replaces the paperpoll books used to qualify voters. No longer will you haveto get in a line by your last name, have the clerk findwhich page you are listed on, and have you sign the paperpoll book.Our Harris CountyePollBook voterqualification systemautomates andspeeds up the votercheck-in process byreading the 2Dbarcode on the backof a voter’s DriverLicense or PersonalID, issued by theTexas Department of Public Safety (DPS), and instanta-neously matches it to the voter’s registration. Voters usingother acceptable forms of photo identification or alternateidentifications can also be easily matched in about 5 seconds by searching on their date of birth and portionsof their last and first name. Our ePollBook system provides the citizens of the county and the thousands of election workers a robust toolthat enhances the integrity of the voting process as well asmaking it easier and more accurate to qualify a voter,while providing the following:nCapacity to quickly match voters to their registra-tion, even if they have moved or changed their namedue to marriage.nEnsures that voters who have already cast a ballotearly or by mail cannot vote a regular ballot.nProvides the correct voting locations and directionsfor voters at the wrong election day poll.nProvides redundancy by recording voter’s voting status on all ePollbooks at the poll.nAccurately displays the correct ballot style to ensurethe voter is given access to the correct races andpropositions for their voting districts.nAbility to save tens of thousands of dollars everyelection avoiding the time consuming job of recordingeach voter’s history from the paper poll books.nRecords the voter’s signature electronically using astylus to sign on the iPad surface.The ePollBooksystem is neverconnected to thevoting equipment.The voting equip-ment is never connected to anynetwork or elec-tronic device. TheePollBook is connected electronically to election adminis-tration using 256-bit encrypted communication by way of a secure cellular network, but even if connectivity isinterrupted, voters can still be qualified as the ePollBookholds every eligible voter in the county. Real-time connectivity allows remote corrections to the voter roll,canceling of mail ballots, and communication to electionadministration to quickly resolve issues. Besides running elections, I am the ex-officio Clerk ofCommissioners Court, I maintain the records of the fourProbate Courts and four County Civil Courts at Law.Additionally, I am responsible for recording over 600,000vital documents per year; such as Property Records,Marriage Licenses, Assumed Named Certificates, BirthRecords, and Death Records. My extensive experience in IT, software engineering andelectronics has revolutionized the County Clerk’s Office.I am excited to bring this new technology to the voters ofHarris County. Next >