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September 18, 2024

Title: Joanna – Yahweh has been Gracious
Topic: Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible
Discussed by D Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Last week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming began a new series on Lessor Known Women and Aspects of the Bible, studying Achsah, the daughter of Caleb. His focus this week is Joanna, whose name means “Yahweh has been gracious.”

Scripture Passage: Luke 8

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.



When and how did Joanna meet Jesus?

Why did Joanna become a disciple of Jesus? Did she follow Jesus from village to village? (Luke 9:23) Pastor David reminds us that sanctification is a process, not an overnight thing. In other words, we cannot profess our faith in Christ and stay where we are.

How did Joanna support the work and ministry of Jesus?

Was Joanna present at the crucifixion of Jesus? Was she one of the women who found the empty tomb? (Luke 24) Pastor David explains how Joanna became a faithful witness for Jesus.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 19, 2024

Title: God Said: I AM
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by D Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 5

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, reminding us of who God is using scripture and the second chapter of the Confession of Faith.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


If God doesn’t need us, why did He create us? Pastor David reminds us that God DESIRES us and we are His delight!

Is God obligated to love us no matter what we do? Pastor David explains how our relationship with God is not like any other relationship we will ever have.


We can spend our lives looking for love, acceptance, approval, forgiveness, salvation, and victory in the world and never finding it. Or we can spend our lives knowing that we come from a place of love, acceptance, approval, forgiveness, salvation, and victory in Christ Jesus.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 18, 2024

Title: God Said: I AM
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by D Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 4

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, reminding us of who God is using scripture and the second chapter of the Confession of Faith.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


Are you disturbed or troubled by the thought of God’s aseity? Or are you comforted, encouraged, or set-free? Pastor David discusses the problem with the first two options and why the others are an act of love on our part.

Do you ever compare your faith to others? Does God do that? NOPE!!

Does God depend on us for anything? Professor Matthew Perry, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary: “The Gospel depends on a God who is not dependent on us.”

On the flip side… Does God owe us anything? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! (Ephesians 2:8-10)

If salvation isn’t about us, why do we need to be saved? Pastor David has a great explanation for this using karate as an example.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 17, 2024

Title: God Said: I AM
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by D Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 3

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, reminding us of who God is using scripture and the second chapter of the Confession of Faith.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


Is God self-sufficient? Does God depend on us for anything? Does God need our help? (Acts 17:24-25; Psalm 50:10-12)

Is God self-satisfied? (Romans 11:33-36) Pastor David explains the difference between us being servants of God and God “needing” us to satisfy him.

What does God’s aseity mean to us? Why is it hard for some to understand that God doesn’t need us for anything, but instead longs for a relationship with us?

Are you disturbed or troubled by the thought of God’s aseity? Or are you comforted, encouraged, or set-free? Pastor David discusses the problem with the first two options and why the others are an act of love on our part.

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 16, 2024

Title: God Said: I AM
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by D Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 2

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, reminding us of who God is using scripture and the second chapter of the Confession of Faith.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


What is the ASEITY of God? Pastor David begins discussing chapter 2 of The Confession of Faith, which can be found at the above link around the 26-minute mark.

Is God self-existent, pre-existent, and eternal? Does God “need” our prayers in order to grow stronger (like fake “gods”)? Is Jesus also self-existent, pre-existent, and eternal? (John 5)

Is God self-sufficient? Does God depend on us for anything? Does God need our help? (Acts 17:24-25; Psalm 50:10-12)

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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July 15, 2024

Title: God Said: I AM
Topic: Attributes of God
Discussed by D Fleming
with Lanier Theological Library (

Day 1

Mark Lanier is away for a few weeks, so friends and pastors from CFBC are filling in while he is gone. This week, former CFBC Pastor David Fleming continues the summer series, “Attributes of God”, reminding us of who God is using scripture and the second chapter of the Confession of Faith.

To view David Fleming’s video for this lesson, click here.


What is an “attribute”?

Why does Pastor David say that “anything we say about God is an understatement”? He uses Job 7 and Romans 11 as he explains this. He also discusses the Westminster Confession of Faith and recommends the classic book, “The Humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines”, just as Pastor Brent spoke about last week.

Why don’t Baptist participate in “confession”? If confession isn’t inherently “bad”, what can/should we do instead?

For more information about Mark Lanier’s Biblical Literacy class, click here.

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