< PreviousU. S. Senator Geraldine Sam o Ted Cruz Stefano de Stefano Mary Miller Bruce Jacobson, Jr.U. S. Representative District 2 Dan Crenshaw Kathaleen Wall o Kevin Roberts Justin L. Lurie David Balat Rick Walker Malcolm Whittaker Jon Spiers Jonny Havens District 7 o Edward Ziegler John Culberson District 8 Kevin Brady District 10 John W. Cook o Michael T. McCaul District 18 Ava Reynero Pate District 22 Eric Zmrhal James Green Danny Nguyen o Pete Olson District 29 Robert Schafranek Phillip Aronoff Carmen Maria Montiel District 36 Brian BabinGovernor SECEDE Kilgore Barbara Krueger o Greg AbbottLieutenant Governor Scott Milder o Dan PatrickAttorney General Ken Paxton Comptroller of Public Accounts Glenn Hegar District 130 Tom Oliverson District 131 Syed S. Ali District 132 Mike Schofield District 133 Jim Murphy District 134 Sarah Davis o Susanna Dokupil District 135 Gary Elkins District 138 Dwayne Bohac District 144 Gilbert Peña o Ruben Villarreal District 147 Thomas Wang District 148 Ryan T. McConnico District 150 o Valoree Swanson James Richard WilsonJustice, 1st Court of Appeals District Place 2 Jane Bland Place 6 Harvey Brown Place 7 Terry Yates o Katy Boatman Place 8 Michael MassengaleJustice, 14th Court of Appeals District Place 3 Brett Busby Place 4 Marc Brown Place 5 Martha Hill Jamison Place 6 Bill Boyce Place 8 John Donovan District Judge 55th Jeff Shadwick 113th Michael Landrum 157th Randy Wilson 180th Catherine Evans 182nd Jesse McClure 183rd Vanessa Velasquez 184th Reneé Magee 185th Stacey W. Bond o Maritza Antu 189th Sharon Hemphill o Erin Elizabeth LuncefordCommissioner of the General Land Office Davey Edwards George P. Bush Rick Range o Jerry PattersonCommissioner of Agriculture Jim Hogan o Sid Miller Trey BlockerRailroad Commissioner o Christi Craddick Weston Martinez Justice, Supreme Court, Place 2 Jimmy Blacklock Place 4 John Devine Place 6 Jeff BrownPresiding Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals o Sharon Keller David Bridges Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 7 Barbara Parker Hervey Place 8 Jay Brandon Dib Waldrip (Supported by the LBGTQ) o Michelle SlaughterState Senator District 7 Paul Bettencourt District 15 Randy Orr District 17 Kristin Tassin o Joan HuffmanState Representative District 126 Kevin Fulton Gail Stanart E. Sam Harless District 127 o Dan Huberty Reginald C. Grant Jr. District 128 Briscoe Cain District 129 Dennis PaulContinued on back sideTear this page out and use it in the voting booth.✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔!Tear this page out and use it in the voting booth.!Tear this page out and use it in the voting booth.Judge, County Criminal Court-at-Law No. 1 Paula Goodheart No. 2 Bill Harmon No. 3 Natalie C. Fleming No. 4 John Clinton No. 5 Xavier Alfaro No. 6 Linda Garcia No. 7 Pam Derbyshire No. 8 o Dan Simons Jay Karahan (Performs Gay Weddings) No. 9 John Wakefiel No. 10 Dan Spjut No. 11 Lori Botello o Aaron Burdette No. 12 John Spjut No. 13 Jessica Padilla No. 14 Mike Fields No. 15 Roger BridgwaterJudge, County Probate Court Crt No. 1 Loyd Wright No. 2 Ray Black No. 3 Rory Robert Olsen No. 4 Christine Riddle ButtsJudge, County Civil Court-at-Law Crt No. 1 Clyde Raymond Leuchtag No. 2 Theresa Chang o Erin Swanson No. 3 Linda Storey No. 4 David Tang o Sophia MafrigeDistrict Clerk Chris DanielCounty Clerk Stan StanartCounty Treasurer Orlando SanchezCounty School Trustee Position 3, At Large Marc Cowart Position 4, Precinct 3 o Josh Flynn Bradley A. TashenbergCounty Commissioner Pct. 2 Jack MormanCounty Commissioner Pct. 4 R. Jack CagleJustice of the Peace Pct. 4 Place 2 Laryssa Korduba Pct. 5 Place 2 Jeff Williams (Asked Steve Raddack for a temporary chapel for [gay] weddings after the Harvey flood.) J.R. Harris o Mike Wolfe Pct. 7 Place 2 "DC" Caldwell Pct. 8 Place 2 Louie DittaHarris CountyRepublican Party Chairman o Chris Carmona Paul SimpsonRepublican State Propositons can befound on the inside back cover.Tear this page out and use it in the voting booth. 190th Debra Ibarra Mayfield 208th Denise Collins 209th Mike McSpadden 228th Marc Carter 230th Brad Hart 232nd Kristin M. Guiney 234th Wesley Ward 248th Katherine Cabaniss 262nd Tammy J. Thomas 263rd Charles Johnson o Justin Keiter 269th Dan Hinde 270th Brent Gamble 281st o Sylvia Matthews 295th o Michelle Fraga Fred Shuchart Richard RisingerFamily District Judge 245th Roy L. Moore 246th Charley Prine 247th John Schmude 257th Alyssa Lemkuil o Melanie Flowers 280th Geric L. Tipsword o Angelina D. A. Gooden George Clevenger 308th James Lombardino 309th Sheri Y. Dean 310th Lisa A. Millard 311th Alicia Franklin York 312th David Farr 313th Glenn Devlin 314th John F. Phillips 315th Michael "Mike" SchneiderCounty Judge Ed EmmettEARLY VOTING HOURSFEBRUARY SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 MARCH 6 7 8 9 108:00am - 4:30pm7am - 7pm7:00am - 7:00pm1pm - 6pmElectionDayContinued from the front side✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Republican State PropositionsProposition 1Texas should replace the property tax system with an appropriate consumptiontax equivalent.£Yes £NoProposition 2No governmental entity should ever construct or fund construction of toll roadswithout voter approval.£Yes £NoProposition 3Republicans in the Texas House should select their Speaker nominee by secret ballot in a binding caucus without Democrat influence.£Yes £NoProposition 4Texas should require employers to screennew hires through the free E-Verify systemto protect jobs for legal workers.£Yes £NoProposition 5Texas families should be empowered tochoose from public, private, charter, orhomeschool options for their children’seducation, using tax credits or exemptionswithout government constraints or intrusion.£Yes £NoProposition 6Texas should protect the privacy and safetyof women and children in spaces such asbathrooms, locker rooms, and showers in all Texas schools and government buildings.£Yes £NoProposition 7I believe abortion should be abolished inTexas.£Yes £NoProposition 8Vote fraud should be a felony in Texas tohelp ensure fair elections.£Yes £NoProposition 9Texas demands that Congress completelyrepeal Obamacare.£Yes £NoProposition 10To slow the growth of property taxes,yearly revenue increases should be cappedat 4%, with increases in excess of 4% requiring voter approval.£Yes £NoProposition 11Tax dollars should not be used to fund thebuilding of stadiums for professional orsemi-professional sports teams.£Yes £NoEVERYBODY VOTESON THESENext >